
Unit 3 My School Section A pronunciation-2f(课件+音视频)【人教2024版七上英语】

日期:2024-09-19 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:73次 大小:101514529Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) (人教2024版)七年级上 Period 2 Section A What is your school like (pronunciation-2f) Unit 3 My School Learning objectives 1.能正确识别并读出两组元音音素(/ :/, / /, /u:/, /u/),能正确读出含有以上四个音素的常见单元音词汇,根据所给的重音符号,识别并正确读出多音节单词的重音,做到举一反三。 2.能够通过听读对话获取彼得新教室的设施、特点的信息;能够识别对话中询问地点、功能、辨认的句式,运用相关语言进行角色扮演。 3.能运用目标语言,填写自己和彼得教室物品,并进行比较,与同伴角色扮演,并在班级中展示。 4. 运用相关语言表达方式,与同伴创编一段对话,用there be句式和位置介词谈论自己学校的主要设施及其位置,举例阐释不同的设施的功能,提升热爱校园的意识。 large On the right, there is a large stone elephant. 在右边,有一个大型石雕大象。 adj. 大的;大号的 special John is a special friend for me. 约翰是我特别的朋友。 adj. 特别的;特殊的 New words smart adj. 智能的;聪明的 whiteboard n. 白板;白色书写板 There is a smart whiteboard in each classroom. 每个教室都有一个智能白板。 New words put up 张贴;搭建 notice n. 通知;注意 v. 注意到;意识到 important adj. 重要的 He put up an important notice on the wall. 他在墙上贴出了一张重要的通告。 New words locker n. 有锁存物柜;寄物柜 drawer n. 抽屉 New words at the back (of) A small garden sits at the back of the house. 房子的后面有个小花园。 在(……)后面 corner There was a television in the corner of the room. 房间的墙角里摆着一台电视机。 n. 角;墙角;街角 New words fork pork Read the words. / / Pronunciation fox box Read the words. / / Pronunciation Read and think about their differences. / / / / sport fox short shot fork clock Listen and repeat. Pronunciation noon balloon moon Read the words. /u / Pronunciation cook look book Read the words. / / Pronunciation /u / / / fool look school good rule full Read and think about their differences. Listen and repeat. Pronunciation Listen and repeat. / / / / /u / / / sport fox fool look short shot school good fork clock rule full 1 P37 Pronunciation 2 / la br ri/ / ntr st / / f m li/ / bju t fl/ / fe v r t/ /k m pju t (r)/ / n (r)/ / m p tnt/ /t ɡe (r)/ / me z / 这些单词中有几个音节? 三个 P37 Listen and repeat. Notice the stressed syllables. 1. ● library interesting family beautiful favourite 2. ● computer another important together amazing Pronunciation 1. ● library interesting family beautiful favourite / la br ri/ / ntr st / / f m li/ / bju t fl/ / fe v r t/ /k m pju t (r)/ / n (r)/ / m p tnt/ /t ɡe (r)/ / me z / (1) 三音节词的重音一般落在第一个音节上。 (2) 少数三音节词的重音在第二个音节上。 2. ● computer another important together amazing Pronunciation Chinese afternoon conversation / t a ni z/ / ɑ ft nu n/ / k nv se n/ 有的双音节词和多音节词有两个重音,一个是主重音,一个是次重音。次重音用“ ”表示,标在次重音的左下方。 Try to read. Pronunciation 读下面的对话,圈出三音节词。 读一读,注意单词重音。 / n (r)/ / m p tnt/ Mum: What's your new classroom like, Peter Peter: It's large. There are 40 student desks in th ... ...

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