
牛津译林版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 4 Looking good,feeling good Reading单词讲解1课件(共29张PPT)

日期:2024-07-02 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:81次 大小:3114353Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) New words Unit 4 Looking good, feeling good (p. 43 - p. 47) 1. skip /sk p/ vt. 不做(应做的事情等);跳过 vi. 蹦蹦跳跳地走;略过;骤然转换(话题) ①The girls were skipping in the playground. _____ ②She decided to skip the afternoon's class. _____ ③You can skip the next chapter if you have covered the topic in class. _____ ④She kept skipping from one topic of conversation to another._____ 蹦蹦跳跳地走 不做(应做的事情等) 跳过,略过 骤然转换(话题) 2. yogurt / j ɡ t/ n. 酸奶 3. faint /fe nt/ vi. 昏厥 adj. 昏眩的;微弱的;可能性不大的 ①His breathing became faint. _____ ②There is still a faint hope that she may be cured. _____ ③Suddenly the woman in front of me fainted. ____ 微弱的 微小的 vi.昏厥 4. pass out 昏迷,失去知觉; 分发 E.g. 那人因为喝得太多而昏倒了。 The man passed out because he had too much to drink. Please pass these out to the rest of the class. 请把这些发给班上的其他同学。 注意与 pass away(去世,过世) 区分! 5. immediately / mi di tli/ adv. 立即,马上 conj. 一…就 E.g. He began to look for another position immediately. 他马上开始寻找另一个职位。 I told him immediately he came. 他一来我就告诉他了。 英语中, 表示“一……就……”有以下四类表达方式: ①as soon as; ②immediately / directly / instantly; ③the moment, the instant, the minute, the second; ④no sooner...than..., hardly / scarcely...when... E.g. No sooner had I closed my eyes than the phone rang. 我刚合上眼, 电话铃就响了。 6. concentrate / k nsntre t/ vi. & vt. 集中 (注意力、思想等); 全神贯注 concentrate on / upon (doing) sth. 专心(做)某事 (= focus on) concentrate one's mind / attention / energy / efforts on 集中注意力 / 全力以赴于 [即学即练] 单句语法填空 ①You must concentrate your attention on _____(improve) your English. ②You should concentrate your mind _____ finishing the homework. ③Turn off the TV,so you can concentrate your attention __ your homework. ( / k nsn tre n/ n. 集中精力;专心) concentration improving on/upon on 7. sex /seks/ n. 性别 与性别有关的词: male n. 男性 adj. 男性的; 雄性的 female n. 女子 adj. 女性的; 雌的 feminism n. 女权主义 8. extreme / k stri m/ adj. 极端的;严重的 n. 极端不同的感情 (或境况、行为方式等) 词形联想: extre- (extra) + -me → 超出我能力/认知范围之外的 相关短语: extreme weather extreme sports 9. slim /sl m/ vi. 变苗条,减肥 adj. 苗条的;微薄的,小的 slim down 变苗条,减肥 10. per cent /p sent/ n. 百分之… 拓展: percentage /p sent d / n. 百分比; 百分率 E.g. The percentage of passing grades in this examination was only 5 per cent. 本次考试成绩合格的百分比只有5%。 cent n. 分 (辅币单位,相当于许多国家主币面值的1%) 11. concerned /k n s nd/ adj. 担心的, 忧虑的;关注的, 关切的 be concerned about sth 为某事担心,为某事感到忧虑 E.g. She was concerned that she might miss the turning and get lost. 她担心自己会因错过转弯的地方而迷路。 ( /k n s n/ n. 担心,忧虑;关心 vt. 涉及;让(某人)担忧 ) concern 12. effect / fekt/ n. 效果,作用;影响 ( / fekt/ v. 影响;感动) 20. effect ... ...

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