

日期:2024-05-17 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:68次 大小:47834Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2024年高考英语写(读后续写)开头讲义 一篇好的文章需要一个吸引眼球的开头。同样,一个好的段落,也要有一个吸引人的开头。它就像是一块敲门砖,敲开阅卷老师的高分之门。As the saying goes," well begun,half done !"良好的开始就是成功的一半!可见,写出一个引人入胜的开头是多么的重要。那么在时间紧迫的考场上如何才能写出靓丽的开头呢?以下开头小技巧都是满满干货,经典例句,可以助您旗开得胜。 无灵主语,即无生命的事物做主语,该类句子自带拟人的修辞色彩,把没有生命的东西,赋予生命,从而增加了句子的多样性,使语言更加灵动多变。 ①Anxiety tore him into pieces. 他焦虑万分,肝肠寸断。 ② Despair seized him at the thought of his failure in the exam. 一想到考试的失败,他就万念俱灰。 ③The story reminds me of a saying that “Never judge a person by his appearance”. 这个故事使我想起来一句谚语“不能以貌取人”。 ④His face burned with shame. 他羞愧的脸都红了。 ⑤ Night has fallen over the country. 夜幕已经笼罩着乡间。 ⑥The thought of returning to her hometown soon filled her heart with great happiness. 想到不久就要回到故乡,她心中感到十分快乐。 ⑦A surge of excitement bubbling up inside me,I looked up into my dad’s dark eyes. 一阵兴奋涌上心头,我看向父亲深邃的眼睛。 ⑧Silence fell upon us for a moment. 我们之间沉默了片刻。 ① Feeling refreshed , she continued to walk along the stream to find the way out . 她感到神清气爽,继续沿着小溪散步,寻找出去的路。 这里用 feeling refreshed 的形式,很好体现了后一个动作" walk "的伴随状态。 ② “No,it is not your lamb.It’s ours!”said Charlie,placing himself in front of it. “不,这不是你的羊,这是我们的!”查理说着站到了羊的前面。 ③ Feeling desperate and scared, she hid herself in a tree. 感觉既绝望又害怕,她藏到了一棵树上。 ④To keep herself safe from the darkness,she tried to hide herself in a tall tree. 为了自己在夜里的安全,她努力爬上一棵树藏了起来。 ⑤I was speechless at this, feeling ashamed of my selfishness and guilty at my misunderstanding. 对于这件事我说不出话来,对自己的自私感到羞愧也对我的误解感到内疚。 ⑥ Failing to say a single word, he was rooted to the spot. 一句话也说不出来,他愣在那里一动不动。 ⑦Not knowing what to do , I just stood there and frozen with terror. 不知所措,我站在那里被吓呆了。 ① Carefully, he picked up all the sequins(亮片)with his eyes full of tears. 眼含泪水,他仔细地将亮片捡起。 ②Finally/Eventually ,she went herself with a heavy heart,dragging her leaden legs,and bargained with the butcher. 最终,她怀着沉重的心情,拖着灌了铅般的双腿,自己去了那里,并且跟屠夫讨价还价起来。 ③ Immediately , absolute darkness ruled the forest. 很快,黑暗笼罩了整个森林。 此处运用副词immediately开头,同时,该句另一亮点是运用无灵主语句,absolute darkness为无灵主语,rule“统治,掌权”作谓语,让人眼前一亮。 ④ Recently, I am so grateful for the support and friendship of a very dear friend of mine. 最近,我对一个朋友的支持和友情感到非常感激。 ⑤ Doubtfully, Bob unfolded the note. 鲍勃疑惑地展开字条。 ⑥Apparently, she kept a more clear head facing this critical situation. 很显然,面对这危急时刻,她头脑更清醒。 ①At that mo ... ...

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