
鲁教版(五四制)八年级上册Unit 6 Have you read Treasure Island yet? Section A 3a~4c课件(共34张PPT)

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:55次 大小:1122754Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Section 第 2 课 时 (3a—4c) ………………………………… A Unit 6 Have you read Treasure Island yet 学习本课时新单词及短语:ship, tool, gun, mark, sand, cannibal, towards, land, fiction, science fiction, technology, French; 1 通过阅读,培养文学鉴赏能力,陶冶思想情操,并培养勇气和知难而进的精神。 3 Learning Goals 学习现在完成时的基本构成和用法; 2 1. Have you read Robinson Crusoe 2. What do you know about it Warming-up 《鲁滨逊漂流记》由英国作家丹尼尔·笛福所著。它是一部家喻户晓的现实主义回忆录式冒险小说。作者受一个苏格兰水手海上遇险的经历启发写成的。 《鲁滨逊漂流记》是一部流传很广,影响很大的文学名著。它表现了强烈的资产阶级进取精神和启蒙意识。作者用生动逼真的细节把虚构的情景写得使人如同身临其境,使故事具有强烈的真实感。小说主人公鲁滨逊也成为欧洲文学史上一个很著名的文学形象。 小说分三部分:第一部分写鲁滨逊初出茅庐,最初三次航海的经过及其在巴西经营种植园的情况;第二部分详细描述了主人公流落荒岛,独居28年的种种情景;第三部分简要交代了鲁滨逊回国后的命运及这个海岛未来的发展趋向。 Read the passage based on Robinson Crusoe. Then answer the questions. 1. What does Robinson Crusoe wait for 2. Why does Robinson Crusoe call the man Friday He waits for another ship. Because Robinson Crusoe meets him on a Friday. 3a Read the passage again. Find words that have these meanings. 1. You can use these to shoot things: _____ 2. Something you use to travel in the sea: _____ 3. A piece of land in the middle of the sea: _____ 4. You can use these to cut things: _____ 5. Signs left behind by someone or something: _____ guns ship island knives marks 3b Correct the sentences. 1. Robinson Crusoe arrived on the island with enough food and drink. 2. Friday made a small boat. 3. Robinson had some food and tools when he first arrived on the island. 4. Robinson used the ship to build his house. 5. Friday saw some marks of another man’s feet on the beach. 6. Robinson tried to kill the two men. nothing Robinson nothing cut down trees Robinson Some cannibals 3c □ brave □ clever □ hard-working □ positive(乐观的) □ creative(有创造力的) □ adventurous(有冒险 精神的 ) We should learn from Robinson's good spirits. I’m sorry, I have nothing to pay you except some big bills. 对不起,我只带着大面额的钞票,没有零钱付给你。 Language points 1 …had nothing 一无所有 So I will not give up and I will wait for another ship. wait for 意为“等候;等待;等待某人”。 Tell him to wait for us at the gate. 让他在大门口等我们。 The students are waiting for Mr. Zhang anxiously. 学生们在焦急地等待张老师的到来。 2 Who else is on my island else意为“另外; 其他”。常用于以some-, every-, any-和no-开头的单词后或疑问词后。 Who else was at the party 还有谁参加了聚会? We went to the cinema and nowhere else. 我们去电影院了, 没到其他地方去。 3 One of them died but the other ran towards my house. one…the other…表示 “(两者中的)一个……另一个……”。 He raised one arm and then the other. 他先举起一只胳膊,然后举起另一只。 I have two schoolba ... ...

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