
新北师大选择性必修一Unit 2 Success Writing Workshop精讲精练(含答案)

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:58次 大小:741032Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Section Ⅲ Writing Workshop 文本理解 对接写作 INCLUDEPICTURE "E:\\马珊珊\\2021\\同步\\英语 北师大 必修第一册\\目标一文本理解对接写作.TIF" \* MERGEFORMAT INCLUDEPICTURE "E:\\马珊珊\\2021\\同步\\英语 北师大 必修第一册\\目标一文本理解对接写作.TIF" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "E:\\马珊珊\\2021\\同步\\英语 北师大 必修第一册\\目标一文本理解对接写作.TIF" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "E:\\马珊珊\\2021\\同步\\英语 北师大 必修第一册\\word\\UNIT 1\\目标一文本理解对接写作.TIF" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "F:\\米昕\\2021\\同步\\0看PPT\\英语 北师大 必修第一册\\全书完整的Word版文档\\UNIT 1 LIFE CHOICES\\目标一文本理解对接写作.TIF" \* MERGEFORMATINET Task 1 微观剖析 细节把握 Read the email.Answer the questions. 1.What questions are asked (Para.1) 答案: Is it necessary to help protect environment? What actions have you taken to protect the environment 2.What are the advantages of the ways the article is presented 答案:Giving numbers and quantity in this way makes a report more interesting and not a mere presentation of numbers. Task 2 宏观理解 构建模板 1.After reading the story on P19,do you know what are the essential elements(基本要素) of a survey report 答案:Title;Introduction ;Positive findings;Negative findings;Conclusion & Suggestion; A bar chart;A pie chart 2.Fill in the blanks to complete the structure according to the email you read on P40. Title Introduction When Last July Who Grade 1 students in class 10 Objectives 314 Grade 1 students in ... ... Junior High School Why To find out whether students use the shared bikes and the reasons. Findings Overall findings 70% students…30% students… Positive findings 70% students use the shared bikes(detailed findings) Negative findings 30% students don’t use the shared bikes(detailed findings) Conclusion Conclusion & Suggestions Most students use the shared bikes;Use more shared bikes; save energy; protect environment… Task 3 精美句式 素材积累 这篇调查报告中运用了一些数字表达,在文中找出这些句子,并积累起来。 答案:1.The percentage of those who felt that they needed to help protect the environment is as high as 96%. Very few (4% )felt it was not necessary. 2.Last August , city officials interviewed about 500 residents to find out.... 3.More than half of those who took part in the survey had done four of the five activities in the past month. 4.Around 90% (88%) had tried to recycle waste , such as glass, metal and paper; and more than two thirds (70%) had tried to cut back on the use of disposable packaging, such as plastic, honey bottles and butter and yogurt containers.Also the majority of residents (74%)had cycled or walked. 5.Unfortunately, not as many (没有多少人) who took part had taken action to save water and energy in their homes. Just under 40% (38%) try to save water when they were washing dishes or taking showers. Just over half ( 51% ) tried to save energy by reducing the use of air conditioning or turning off lights. Part Ⅱ Writing—Wr ... ...

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