ID: 20231525

新北师大选择性必修二Unit 5 Education Lesson 1 Enlightening a Mind精讲精练(含答案)

日期:2025-03-07 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:62次 大小:900312B 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 【北师大版】Unit 5 Education 类文赏读 话题导入 The Importance of Life long Learning Nowadays,more and more people of various ages and backgrounds are continuing to study to improve themselves. Here’s what they have to say about their life long learning experience. Sun Wen—28 years old “It’s never too late to learn.” That was the advice I got after I failed my college entrance exam.Now I’m about to graduate from the School of Continuing Education at Qinghua University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering by distance learning.Because of my new qualification1,I’m getting promoted at work. In the past,if someone like me had failed to get into university through the college exam,he would have had no chance of getting a degree.But it’s different now.I decided to give myself a second chance by studying for a degree in the evenings and on weekends while keeping a secure2 full time job. Frankly speaking3,the last four years have been hard work,but it’s been worth it! Ms Tang—45 years old Three months ago,when my manager told me that I would be laid off4,my mind went blank5 and my heart swelled with anger.In the past,if someone had worked for a company for over 20 years,they would have stayed there until retirement! I suspect6 that they laid me off because the company was not doing that well but it still brought a lump to my throat and made me want to cry.I felt as if I had done something wrong! I know this isn’t true though.It’s just the status of the job market at the moment. 1.qualification/ kw lIfI'keI n/ n.资格,资历'kj / adj.稳定的;无忧无虑的 3.frankly speaking坦率地说 4.lay off裁员;解雇 5.blank/bl k/ adj.空白的 6.suspect/s 'spekt/ vt.怀疑 INCLUDEPICTURE "E:\\马珊珊\\2021\\同步\\英语 北师 选择性必修第二册\\靓句背诵.TIF" \* MERGEFORMAT INCLUDEPICTURE "E:\\马珊珊\\2021\\同步\\英语 北师 选择性必修第二册\\靓句背诵.TIF" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "E:\\马珊珊\\2021\\同步\\英语 北师 选择性必修第二册\\靓句背诵.TIF" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "E:\\马珊珊\\2021\\同步\\英语 北师 选择性必修第二册\\WORD\\Unit 5\\靓句背诵.TIF" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "E:\\马珊珊\\2021\\同步\\英语 北师 选择性必修第二册\\全书完整的Word版文档\\Unit 5\\靓句背诵.TIF" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "E:\\张潇\\2021\\看幻灯片\\同步\\英语 北师 选择性必修第二册\\全书完整的Word版文档\\Unit 5\\靓句背诵.TIF" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "E:\\张潇\\2021\\看幻灯片\\同步\\英语 北师 选择性必修第二册\\全书完整的Word版文档\\Unit 5\\靓句背诵.TIF" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "E:\\张潇\\2021\\看幻灯片\\同步\\英语 北师 选择性必修第二册\\全书完整的Word版文档\\Unit 5\\靓句背诵.TIF" \* MERGEFORMATINET 1.Here’s what they have to say about their life long learning experience. 以下是他们对自己终身学习经历的看法。 [句式分析] 句中的what 引导表语从句。 2.I decided to give myself a second chance by studying for a degree in the evenings and on weekends while keeping a secure full time job ... ...

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