
2024年中考英语人教版专项复习 第十五讲 八年级下册 Units 9—10课件(共89张PPT)

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(课件网) 中考英语人教版专项复习 第十五讲 八年级下 Units 9—10 目录 01. 教材知识过关 02. 重点词汇短语 03. 模拟考题 01 教材知识过关 Ⅰ.语境填词 背一背 Group 1 1.search(v.& n.)搜查;搜索;探求 ★search for搜寻,寻找[2014.46] 2.check(v.& n.)检查;审查 ★check out 察看;观察;结账离开 3.progress(v.& n.)进步;进展 ★make progress取得进步 4.fear(v.& n.)害怕;惧怕 ★in fear of 害怕 5.hold(v.)拥有;抓住;拥抱;支撑;使举行 6.shame(n.)羞耻;羞愧;惭愧 ★what a shame/that's a shame 多遗憾/真可惜啊 7.encourage(v.)鼓励;激励 Group 2 8.consider(v.)注视;仔细考虑 9.clear(adj.)清楚易懂的;晴朗的;清澈的(v.)清理;清除 ★clear out清理;丢掉 10.opposite(adj.)对面的;相反的(prep.)与……相对;在……对面 11.among(prep.)在(其)中;……之一 12.mostly(adv.)主要地;通常 13.especially(adv.)尤其;特别;格外[2017.43;2015.54;2014.55] 14.whether(conj.)不管……(还是);是否[2021.28] 练一练[从左栏中选择合适的单词并用其正确形式填空] Group 1 1.Having a health _____ every year is really necessary. check 2.He spent most of his time _____ for the meaning of life and finally he found the answer. searching 3.During the last two centuries, technology and medicine have made great _____. progress 4.Pam once fell into a river and nearly lost her life. That's why she _____ the water. fears 5.It's a _____ that you missed the show. shame 6.The new teaching methods _____ students to think for themselves. encourage Group 2 7._____ you can enter a good high school in our city depends on yourself. Whether 8._____ all the colors, red is most easily seen. Among 9.The water is so _____ that we can see the bottom of the lake. clear 10.Andy loves doing water sports, _____ swimming. especially 11.The post office is on the _____ side of the road, so you need to walk across the road. opposite Ⅱ.拓展提升 背一背 1.invent(v.)发明;创造→invention(n.)发明;发明物→inventor(n.)发明家;创造者 2.rapid(adj.)迅速的→rapidly(adv.)快速地 3.collect(v.)收集;采集;募集→collection(n.)收集物;收藏品 4.safe(adj.)安全的→safety(n.)安全;安全性 5.simple(adj.)简单的;易做的→simply(adv.)仅仅;只;不过 6.social(adj.)社会的;社交的→society(n.)社会 7.honest(adj.)诚实的;坦率的→honestly(adv.)诚实地;老实地→honesty(n.)诚实 ★to be honest说实在的 练一练[从左栏中选择合适的单词并用其正确形式填空] 1.To improve her poor _____ skills, she joined a club and made some new friends. social 2.The need for a better life is the mother of all these _____. inventions 3.I want to give him an _____ answer, but I have to weigh my words in order not to hurt him. honest 4.Some students lose marks _____ because they don't read the question carefully. simply 5.The street is not _____ for kids to play in. safe 6.With the help of the organization, we've _____ a lot of school things for the poor children. collected Ⅲ.短语填空 背一背 1.close to几乎;接近 2.part with放弃、交出(尤指不舍得的东西) 3.no longer不再;不复 4.as fo ... ...

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