

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:56次 大小:77304Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2024年八年级英语下册期末复习阅读理解专项训练(人教版) (1) A Winners of the Green School's Storytelling Competition   First place:Rick   Comments (评价): His story A Wise Man's Jokes tells us that complaints (抱怨) never help. What we need to do is finding a way to solve each problem we face. He has good storytelling skills and body language. The proper changes in his voice and the role play make the story more interesting. Prize:$300, 2 books and a gift card   Second place:Charlotte   Comments: Her story Two Woodcutters(樵夫) teaches us to work hard and be smart as well. She has a beautiful voice and good body language, but speaks a little fast. Through the story, she also shares her thoughts about the story. Prize:$200, 2 books and a gift card   Third place:Peter   Comments:   His story A Glass of Milk is heart-warming. It lets us know how important kindness is in life!   He has good storytelling skills and eye contact (眼神交流) with listeners. But he needs more body language. Prize:$100, 2 books ( )1. Who got the first place? A. Green. B. Charlotte.   C. Rick.    D. Peter. ( )2. What can we learn from Rick's story? A. Kindness is important in life. B. Don't complain when we are in trouble. C. The best things in the world are free. D. We should work hard and be smart as well. ( )3. What did Charlotte do well in? A. Role playing. B. Sharing her own ideas. C. Speaking clearly and slowly. D. Having proper changes in her voice. ( )4. What did Peter get? A. Some money and two books. B. Two books and a gift card. C. Some money and a gift card. D. Some money, two books and a gift card. ( )2. Where can we probably read the passage? A. In a storybook. B. In a dictionary. C. In a fashion magazine. D. In a school newspaper. B The word zhiyin means close friends. It comes from the story of Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi. Boya was good at playing the guqin. One day, he was playing the music on his way home on the boat. To Boya's surprise, Ziqi, a woodcutter could understand his music exactly. After a long talk, they became good friends. But Boya had to return to his country. So they agreed to meet again next year. Unluckily, when getting back to visit Ziqi, Boya heard that his friend had died from an illness. Boya was sorrowful. He stood in front of Ziqi's tomb(墓) unhappily and played the music again that he had played when they first met. The music sounded so moving that it was as if the rivers and the mountains were crying. After finishing playing, Boya broke his guqin into pieces and never played the music again. People in the Song Dynasty built the Guqin Tai in Hanyang to remember the deep friendship between Boya and Ziqi. It became an important part of the local culture. It was also called Zhiyin culture. Zhiyin culture has new development in the new period. The famous music Gaoshan Liushui was showed during the G20 Summit (G20峰会) in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province in 2016. The music not only showed the beauty ... ...

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