
2024年中考英语(完形填空)模拟真题 (广州专用)(含解析)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:92次 大小:82242Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2024年中考英语(完形填空)模拟真题 (广州专用) (2024·广东广州·一模)Where was that cashier (收银员) Impatient, I quickly looked at my watch. I hardly had enough time to eat a sandwich and rush back to work. I looked around the nearly empty 1 , but the cashier was nowhere in sight. A woman stood wiping (擦) the far end of the counter. She looked at me coldly with sad, dark eyes. I waited, getting angry. I’d been standing there for at least three minutes! Controlling my anger, I remembered Mom’s words. “ 2 you find yourself in an unpleasant situation, just 3 what is missing. If someone is unkind, then kindness is missing. If someone is hateful, then 4 is missing. If we will be what’s missing, then we’ll provide whatever the situation needs.” And here I was in an unpleasant situation, How should I “be what’s missing” What was missing was 5 . Maybe I should just jump behind the counter and take my own order. Just then the woman walked slowly towards me. “May I help you ” she asked, still 6 . She looked so tired. No doubt, she was overworked. I took a deep breath. With Mom’s words ringing in my head, I gave the woman my order... and smiled. “How are you today ” My question seemed to 7 her. She eyed me for a second before answering. “Not too good.” “I’m sorry.” I said. “I hope it gets better starting right now.” She almost smiled as she looked at me. “Thanks. I hope you’re right.” I 8 to myself as I ate my sandwich. We’re all the same, really. We have problems and angers, we get tired and we hurt. We need to be 9 to each other. After eating, I wiped the table cleaner than usual, and put the tray (托盘) back nicely on the stand. The woman was watching me, a big smile on her face. “Be what’s missing.” It 10 . 1.A.store B.office C.school D.restaurant 2.A.However B.Whoever C.Whenever D.Whatever 3.A.put off B.stick with C.worry about D.think about 4.A.trust B.love C.patience D.confidence 5.A.hope B.advice C.money D.service 6.A.kindly B.coldly C.carefully D.nervously 7.A.hurt B.trouble C.surprise D.disappoint 8.A.wrote B.thought C.dreamed D.introduced 9.A.nicer B.cooler C.closer D.fairer 10.A.said B.read C.ended D.worked (23-24九年级下·广东广州·阶段练习)Have you ever rushed to some very important places only to find you’re on the wrong bus and you’ll never make it in time One woman in New Zealand 11 this last year, but the bus driver went 12 his duty to help her out. One Sunday, Mason was on her way to see her 70-year-old mom who lives in a nursing home. Because of its recent rules, visits are limited to an half-hour period scheduled ahead. When Mason 13 she hadn’t got on the right bus and her 30-minute window was fast closing, Mason started crying, tearfully 14 to the bus driver, Alex Bailey, what had happened. Rather than keep to his schedule, Bailey decided to 15 . With nods from the other 16 , Bailey took another longer route and drove Mason to the nursing home, droppe ... ...

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