
Module 4 Rules and suggestions课件(3份ppt打包)外研(新标准)版九年级下册

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:51次 大小:1387757Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 2 We must keep the camp clean. Ⅰ.主题词汇 (在教材中画出下列单词,感受其所在真实情景) 1.tent n.帐篷 2.fall v.变成;进入(某种状态) 3.hang(hung,hung)v.悬挂;吊 4.sudden adj.突然的;急剧的 5.soft adj.软的;柔软的 6.still adj.静止的;不动的 7.wood n.(小)树林;林地 8.blood n.血;血液 Ⅱ.高频短语 (在教材中画出下列短语,感受其所在真实情景) 1.watch out当心;小心 2.fall asleep入睡;睡着 3.in the middle of the night半夜 4.look out of...向……外看 5.put up搭起;建起 6.tidy up收拾;整理 7.move on前进;出发 8.make noise制造噪音 9.remember doing sth.记得做过某事 10.reach out伸出(手臂);提供帮助 Ⅲ.重点句型 (在教材中画出下列句子,感受其所在真实情景) 1.第一天晚上,步行了大约八个 小时之后,我们三个人都累了。 On the first evening,the three of us were tired after walking for about eight hours. 2.但是当我向帐篷外张望时,却 什么也没发现。 But when I looked out of the tent,there was nothing there. 3.第二天,我们在11点停下来 休息。 The next day,we stopped at eleven o’clock for a break. 4.突然间,我看到一只小熊在玩 树枝和石头。 Suddenly,I saw a baby bear playing with some sticks and stones. Ⅰ.阅读课本Activity 2,根据课文内容回答下列问题 ( )1.The writer spent about     hours walking there. A.6 B.7 C.8 D.9 ( )2.What happened on the third night A.The three kids fell asleep very fast. B.The bears took the food away from the tree. C.The kids had trouble going to sleep. D.A bear came into the kids’ tent. C C ( )3.The word “still” in “I stood very still.” means “———. A.loud B.quiet C.terrible D.straight ( )4.The writer’s blood went cold because he    . A.thought the mother bear was coming back B.was afraid of the noise C.liked bears D.fell ill after running so fast B A ( )5.According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE A.The writer didn’t like the baby bear at all. B.The writer ran away quickly after hearing a loud noise. C.The baby bear ran away because it was afraid of the noise. D.The mother bear loved the baby bear. D Ⅱ.根据课本Activity 2,完成短文填空 The writer and his friends went camping.On the first evening they 1.   asleep soon because they were tired.At midnight,he heard a strange noise and looked out of the 2.   ,but nothing was there.The next morning they found the bag open and they decided to 3.    the food in a tree.The bears came again and took away the food from the tree.They realised that they should tidy up the camp.When they saw a bear,they mustn’t make any 4.    moves,make a sound or run because they didn’t have a(n) 5.    to keep themselves safe. fell tent hang sudden gun On the third day,when the writer saw a baby bear in the 6.  ,it looked so 7.   .and friendly that he wanted to reach out for it.Just at that time,a loud noise made him stand 8.    and his 9.    went cold.It was a huge mother bear.He ran back as 10.    as he could after the baby bear and his huge mother walked away. forest soft still blood fast 教材原句1  We soon fell asleep.我们很快睡着了 ... ...

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