
2024年中考英语(阅读理解之应用文)模拟真题 (广东专用)(含解析)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:18次 大小:230313Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2024年中考英语(阅读理解之应用文)模拟真题 (广东专用) (23-24九年级下·广东湛江·一模) How to Make Mashed Potatoes (土豆泥) Ingredients: 900g potatoes, 50g butter, 50ml hot milk, salt and black pepper Steps: ●Cut the peeled potatoes into quarters. ●Steam (蒸) potatoes for 15~20 minutes. ●Mash until smooth, adding a little hot milk for a softer mash. ●Mix up the potatoes with butter and hot milk. ●Season (调味) to taste with salt and black pepper. Top tips: ●No sprouted (发芽的) potatoes. ●Never steam the potatoes too long. ●Taste the potatoes and add salt, pepper or butter as you like. ●For a better taste, serve while they’re still warm. For more information, visit www. gokitchen. com. 1.How many kinds of ingredients are mentioned in the passage A.4. B.5. C.6. D.7. 2.What can we add to make the mashed potatoes softer? A.Salt. B.Butter. C.Black pepper. D.Hot milk. 3.Which is the right order to make the mashed potatoes ①Season to taste. ②Cut the potatoes. ③Mash the potatoes. ④Steam the potatoes. ⑤Mix with butter and milk. A.②④①③⑤ B.②④③⑤① C.③①②④⑤ D.③①④⑤② 4.What can we learn from the passage A.Any kind of potatoes is OK. B.The more seasoning, the better taste. C.The warm mashed potatoes taste better. D.We can buy the mashed potatoes from www. gokitchen. com. 5.In which section of a magazine can we read the passage A.History and Culture. B.Health and Life. C.Science and Technology. D.Nature and Animal. (23-24九年级上·广东梅州·一模)Dear staff, Here’s the schedule (日程安排) for next week’s activities in Breakout Adventure Center. See you all on Monday morning in the staff parking lot. Please be there by 8:00 a.m. as the bus will leave at 8:15 a.m. Time Activity Place Monday (May 16) 3:00 p.m. Arrival Breakout Adventure Center 7:30 p.m. Barbecue (户外烧烤) Holden Beach Tuesday (May 17) All day Hiking (徒步旅行) Holden Forest Wednesday (May 18) Morning Fishing Axe Lake Afternoon Surfing (冲浪) Thursday (May 19) All day Mountain biking Axe Valley Friday (May 20) Morning Mountain climbing Stratton Hill Afternoon Paragliding 9:30 p.m. Barbecue Holden Beach For more information, please send me an e-mail or call me at 456-9674. Sincerely, Linda 6.The bus will leave at_____on Monday morning. A.7:30 B.8:00 C.8:15 D.9:00 7.If Tom enjoys surfing, he may look forward to the activity on_____. A.Tuesday morning B.Tuesday afternoon C.Wednesday morning D.Wednesday afternoon 8.Where will the staff be on the morning of May 19 A.In Axe Valley. B.On Stratton Hill. C.In Holden Forest. D.On Holden Beach. 9.Which is the right order of the following activities according to time A.Hiking—Paragliding—Fishing. B.Hiking—Fishing—Paragliding. C.Paragliding—Fishing—Hiking. D.Paragliding—Hiking—Fishing. 10.Linda wrote the e-mail to _____. A.say sorry B.ask for help C.express thanks D.give information (23-24九年级上·广东揭阳·一模)An Amazing Theme Park: Happy Valley Location Gift sh ... ...

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