

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:81次 大小:496606Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 牛津译林版八年级英语下册期末专项练习:选择型阅读理解 Citywalk is a type of experience of exploring a city in an immersive (沉浸式的) and slow way. Instead of quickly going to crowded tourist spots, people are choosing to explore busy markets, old streets and interesting alleys (小巷) slowly. Citywalk is very popular with young people. They are often too busy with their work to explore local areas. Citywalk lets them do this in a fun and relaxing way. This shows that people are starting to want a slower way of life. They want to enjoy things more and don’t want to be in a rush all the time. Beijing is working hard to fix up old parts of the city. People there are also using new and creative ideas to make the city keep up with the time. In the last few years, Beijing has made many changes to the area around the Liangma River. People have fixed the river banks, planted more trees and flowers, added lights and cleaned water. They want to make the area nicer and better for the environment. As a result. they built an 800,000-square-meter riverside park next to the Liangma River. It helps turn the Liangma River into a “people-friendly river”, being a nice place to visit for people in Beijing. Citywalk is becoming more and more welcome, and more and more people are walking on the streets to experience the beauty of the cities. We can do this now because many people are working silently to keep our cities clean, safe and lively. 1.How does the writer lead to the topic in the first paragraph A.By asking questions. B.By explaining what citywalk is. C.By listing numbers. D.By telling stories. 2.What does the underlined word “this” refer to in the text A.A slower way of life B.Exploring local areas. C.The change of people. D.Young people’s daily work. 3.According to the text, why can people enjoy the experience of citywalk A.Because people want to become healthier. B.Because people are becoming richer and richer. C.Because people don’t want to be in a rush all the time. D.Because many people are working silently to make our cities suitable for a citywalk. 4.What’s the main purpose of the text A.To introduce a new life experience Citywalk B.To show the rapid development of our country. C.To tell people there’s no need to work hard. D.To ask people to fix up old cities. 5.What is the best title of the passage A.Are you happy now B.Can you become quiet C.Do you explore the city D.Do you know Citywalk Before he got his beautiful tail, Peacock was an ordinary bird, with a small bunch of feathers. One day, Peacock visited Juno, the Goddess of Protection. Peacock told her that he wished to look grand and beautiful. Juno smiled. He was a good bird and she liked him. Peacock then described the long tail of brightly colored feathers that he wanted to have behind him. He also wished to be the loveliest of all the birds! To his great joy, Juno agreed. What a wonderful tail he got ... ...

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