

日期:2024-06-25 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:100次 大小:255951Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    贵州省遵义市汇川区2024年中考英语一模试题 一、第一部分 完形(20分) (2024·汇川模拟) 第一节阅读下面短文,从框内6个选项中选出能填入5个空白处的最佳选项。 A. short B so C. including D. first E. because F. herself This spring,the most eye﹣catching movie might be YOLO《热辣滚烫》. Directed by 41﹣year﹣old Jia Ling,the movie tells the story of a woman tired of the world(拳击). The name YOLO is 1.  for the movie's main idea﹣You Only Live Once. Jia has tried many different roles in her life,  2.  actress and show guest. It was in 2019 that she became a director for the  3.  time,making her movie Hi,Mom which made her the world's highest﹣grossing(票房最高的) Before making YOLO,Jia was often seen as an overweight comedian. She often made jokes about 4.   to make people laugh. For this movie,Jia lost 50 kg and looked very different. Some people call this a"rebirth"for Jia. In Jia's eyes,her change is her way of staying true to herself. "It's hard to predict one's life. I'm just following my heart. Movies are now the best way to show myself, 5.  I put all my energy into them,"she said. Jia didn't change at all. She's just being more herself. (2024·汇川模拟) 第二节阅读下面短文,从短文后参题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入各题空白处的最佳选项。 Have you ever lived in a school dormitory(宿舍) ?Some students think living at school is a piece of cake. Well,it's not as 6. as you might imagine. Last year,my parents decided to let me live at school. I was 7. to hear this decision because I hadn't thought about it before. But I 8. this idea after they told me that they would be too busy to look after me for the following year. However,when I first arrived,I got nervous about the strict 9. . We have to study from 7 a. m to10 p. m. every day. We are not allowed to play with cellphones or go back to the dormitory to take showers during this time. Also,I 10. one of my roommates. These things made me feel upset and homesick. I just wanted to go back home. On weekends,I went back home. My mother comforted me,"Don't be afraid. Try to think about how to improve the 11. . "My mother's words cheered me up. None of my roommates had such problems. So I needed to solve them by myself. The next week,I tried my best to calm myself down and focus on my work. And it did not seem too 12. . I talked with my roommates more 13. and made more friends. I realized the good or bad of things depends on 14. own attitudes(态度) . I began to enjoy the dormitory life. Every time I struggle(挣扎) with difficulties,I always think about this special 15. . It gives me the courage to overcome them. Perhaps I have grown up through this. 6.A. easy B. easily C. easier 7.A. embarrassed B. excited C. surprised 8.A. accepted B. admired C. doubted 9.A. classes B. rules C. teachers 10.A. got along with B. argued with C. talked with 11.A. standard B. grade C. situation 12.A. difficult B. successful C. interesting 13 ... ...

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