
Unit 1 When was it invented?练习课件(10份打包)

日期:2024-09-07 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:24次 大小:16646498Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Period 4 Section B(1a-1e) Unit 1 When was it invented 1 基础题·夯实基础 答 案 呈 现 温馨提示:点击 进入讲评 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Sweet thinner potatoes sour customers in the end made; excited puts; on tasted terribly/very salty by mistake 11 综合题·提升能力 答 案 呈 现 12 13 14 15 F A E C B 一、 根据句意及所给提示填空 1. [2023 杭州改编] _____ (甜美的) memories were brought back to me when I saw these old things. 2. (立德树人|健康生活) I want to look _____ (更苗条) and more beautiful by doing this sport every day. 返回 Sweet thinner 3. (跨学科|物理) The _____ (土豆)got soft, and they were changed by boiling water. 4. I don’t like lemon juice because it is a little _____(酸的). 5. Every morning you can see plenty of _____(顾客) waiting outside the shop to buy specials. 返回 potatoes sour customers 二、 根据汉语意思完成句子 6. 最后我们同意了他的计划。 We agreed to his plan _____ _____ _____ . 返回 in the end 7. 减轻学生负担的消息使得我很兴奋。 The news of reducing students’ burden _____ me _____. 返回 made excited 8. 爸爸做鱼的时候总是往鱼上撒很多盐。 Dad always _____ lots of salt _____ the fish when cooking it. 返回 puts on 9. 这个汤尝起来特别咸,所以乔在里面放了更多的水。 The soup _____ _____ _____, so Joe put more water in it. 返回 tasted terribly/very salty 10. 我找不到我的雨伞了,肯定有人错拿了它。 I can’t find my umbrella. Someone must have taken it _____ _____. 返回 by mistake 三、阅读还原 After washing your hair, you might want to make it dry as soon as possible. Then a hair dryer is a great tool. A normal hair dryer is a small device(设备)in the shape of the number seven. At the bottom is a long wire(电线). 11. _____ Sometimes the long wire might be trouble for you. But now Volo Beauty has helped to solve the problem. They have invented the world’s first cordless(无电线的)hair dryer. 返回 【解析】根据上一句 “At the bottom is a long wire”可知, 下文会提到电线的用途。选项F“它可以连接到电源。” 符合语境。 F A. Compared with a traditional hair dryer, you no longer see that long tail! B. It’s not easy to create this new invention. C. However, this product doesn’t come cheap. D. This special hair dryer will sell well in the market. E. And the company says it can dry long hair in just about 10 minutes. F. It can be connected to power. Last Sunday, the company showed off the new technology at a fair. 12. _____ It will cut down the time it takes to dry your hair and be more convenient to use. 返回 【解析】上下文联系法。根据上文 “the company showed off the new technology at a fair”可知,这个公司在展示这个产品,选项A“与传统的吹风机相比,你再也看不到那个长长的尾巴了!”符合语境。 A A. Compared with a traditional hair dryer, you no longer see that long tail! B. It’s not easy to create this new invention. C. However, this product doesn’t come cheap. D. This special hair dryer will sell well in the market. E. And the company says it can dry long hair in just about 10 minutes. F ... ...

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