
2023-2024学年鲁教版(五四学制)六年级英语上册 阅读专训(一)课件(共35张PPT)

日期:2024-09-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:81次 大小:231627Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 阅读专训(一) 专项训练 Group 1: 交友 (Unit 1/4/8) 一、综合填空:用方框中所给词的适当形式填空 (一) Hello, boys and girls! My name is Dana. I am 12 years old. My best friend is Eric. 1. _____ is 12 years old, too. sport, in, like, be, play, baseball, the, an, he, after 【点拨】此处缺少主语,由Eric 可知用he。 He I usually have 2. _____ egg and a cup of milk for breakfast. Look! This is a dictionary 3. _____ English. I like 4. _____ computer games with Eric. sport, in, like, be, play, baseball, the, an, he, after 【点拨】2. egg 以元音音素开头,故用an。 【点拨】3. in English 意为“用英语”。 【点拨】4. like doing/ to do sth. 意为“喜欢做某事”。 an in playing/to play He also 5. _____ piano. There 6. _____ a beautiful piano in his house. On the weekend, we play 7. _____ piano at home. sport, in, like, be, play, baseball, the, an, he, after 【点拨】5. 由主语He 可知like 用第三人称单数形式。 【点拨】6. 考查there be 句型。后接单数名词时用there is。由a beautiful piano 可知填is。 【点拨】7. 考查冠词。乐器前要加the。 likes is the And we do 8. _____ every day. Oh! I have three 9._____. On Friday, we often play it 10._____ school. sport, in, like, be, play, baseball, the, an, he, after 【点拨】8. do sports 意为“做运动”。 【点拨】9. 由前文的sports 可知选baseball。注意用复数形式。 【点拨】10. after school 意为“放学后”。 sports baseballs after (二) Hello. I’m Jenny Green. 11. _____ phone number is 281-9176. My friend is Gina Smith. 12. _____ phone number is 232-4672. my, a, in, is, and, are, her, too, four, friend 【点拨】11. 由前面的I 可知是“我的”电话号码,用my。 【点拨】12. 由Gina 可知是“她的”电话号码,用her。 My Her Here are 13. _____ students from my class. The two boys are Dale Miller 14. _____ Eric Brown. They are good 15. _____. my, a, in, is, and, are, her, too, four, friend 【点拨】13. 由后面的two boys 及two girls 可知是四名学生。 【点拨】14. 由空前后的姓名可知表示并列关系,用and。 【点拨】15. 由主语They 可知friend 用复数形式。此处指他们是好朋友。 four and friends The two girls 16._____ Mary Brown and Zhang Mingming. They are good friends, 17. _____. my, a, in, is, and, are, her, too, four, friend 【点拨】16. 用主谓一致法。由The two girls 可知谓语动词用are。 【点拨】17. 由前文的 “They are good friends.”可知此处指她们也是好朋友,用too。 are too Zhang Mingming is 18. _____ Chinese girl. She is 19. _____ China now. Her telephone number 20. _____ 929-3155. my, a, in, is, and, are, her, too, four, friend 【点拨】18. 这里指张明明是一个中国女孩。 【点拨】19. 表达“在中国”用介词in。 【点拨】20. 由主语Her telephone number 可知用is。 a in is (三) Hello! My name is Sam. I have 21. _____ good friends. We like sports. Bill likes to play 22. _____. on, soccer, some, interest, it 【点拨】21. 考查some。其意思为“一些”,后接可数名词复数。由friends 可知填some。 【点拨】22. 由后面的soccer balls 可知是踢足球。 some soccer He has three soccer balls. Maria likes to play volleyball. She always plays ... ...

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