
人教版(2019)高中英语选择性必修1 Unit 5 Working the Land Discover useful structures课件(共37张PPT 内嵌音频和动图))

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:58次 大小:9600176Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 5:working the land Discover useful structures --subject clause Lead in 01. Subject clause and Leading words 02. Sentence order 03. Subject-Predicate agreement 04. CONTENTS 行业PPT模板http://www./hangye/ 05. Formal subject and Real Subject 06. Practice and Application 07. Brainstorm and Writing ONE Lind-in Group division & lead to the topic 開 中性笔一支 好好学习,天天向上 刘老师的红包 開 零食一包 好好学习,天天向上 刘老师的红包 開 糖果一颗 好好学习,天天向上 刘老师的红包 開 零食一包 好好学习,天天向上 刘老师的红包 開 零食一包 好好学习,天天向上 刘老师的红包 開 小刀一把 好好学习,天天向上 刘老师的红包 開 糖果一颗 好好学习,天天向上 刘老师的红包 開 橡皮一个 好好学习,天天向上 刘老师的红包 Who and what can you see in this picture 1.What concerned Yuan most when he was young --What concerned Yuan most while he was young was that 2. What did he choose to study in college farmers have poor havest agriculture --What he chose to study was TWO Subject clause and Leading words (主语从句概念及其引导词) Review and Explore Activity 1 Circle the subject in each sentence(圈出每句话的主语). 1. He considered himself a farmer 2.Yuan’s innovation has helped to feed more people 3.Using salty land in China for rice production was his latest vision. 4.How this could be done was a challenging question at the time. 5.What concerned Yuan Longping most was that farmers often had poor harvest When a sentence serves as a subject, we call it Subject Clause 当一个句子来充当主语,我们称这个句子为主语从句 leading words 引导词 Observe and Analyze Activity 2 Underline the subject clauses in these sentences and circle the leading words(引导词) of subject clauses. 1.That Yuan Longping cared little for celebrity or money was true 2.Whether it was possible to develop hybrid rice was in debate. 3.Who will solve the solve problem is unknown. 4. Which one is best to expand output is not clear. 5.When Yuan would retire to a life of leisure was never mentioned 6.Where the hybrid rice can be planted is a question. 7.Why Yuan developed seawater rice was to feed more people 1.Subordinating conjunction (从属连词,不做成分) That(无意义) whether(是否). 2.Conjunctional pronouns: (连接代词,做主,宾,表,定语) What,who, whom, which, whose Leadings words(引导词) How to classify leading words 3.Conjunctional Adverbs: (连接副词) When ,where ,how, why Leading words(引导词) How to classify leading words 1.从属连词 That Yuan Longping cared little for celebrity or money was true Whether it was possible to develop hybrid rice was in debate. 2.连接代词 What concerned Yuan Longping most was that farmers often had poor harvest 3.连接副词 How to classify leading words Who will solve the soil problem is unknown. When Yuan would retire to a life of leisure was never mentioned 主语从句中,从属连词不充当成分 主语从句=从属连词+主语+谓语+(宾语) 主语从句=从属连词+主语+系动词+表语 主语从句=连接代词+谓语+(宾语) 主语从句中,连接代 ... ...

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