

日期:2024-06-25 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:74次 大小:1165682Byte 来源:二一课件通
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播州区保利小学2024年春季学期第一次学业监测卷 四、听录音,选择正确的爸泛。(听两递)(10分) 六年级 英语 )1.A.I'm 46 kilograms.B.I'm 1.61 metres. C.Tr 13 years old. )2.A.His shoes are sixe 36.B.I wear size 37 shoes. C.I'm 1.65 mctres (全卷总分100分,考试时间0分钟) )3.A.I'm older then Jim B.Jim is older than me. C.I'm 11 years old 注意东项: )4.A.Mike. B.Yes,Mike is tall. C.Wu Binbin is 1.64 ma. ,答题必,背生先將自己岭姓名,准苦证号码菲今清楚、2,选择题必须使戌迅牲笔镇涂,非 光拯趙必须用山.5考米然色字迹的签宇等续写,字体工整,3.诗被远号顺序庄客题的客迈区内作茶 )5.A.Lily is taller than Kate.B.Kate is taller than Lily.C.Lily is 1.6 metres 超出范丽的答素无效,在草淋纸、战卷上祚客无效。1,块考标记选纪标记:若生怎填!山监浅老师 负士月黑色字进的签字笔草涂。。填涂杆阿:有效镇涂: 无效实冷:丽区四甲 笔试部分(60分) 题号 三 六七 八九 十 点分 五,选出各组单词中不网类的一项。(10分) 待分 )1.A.dinoeaur B.ball C.duck 听力部分(40分) ( )2.A.lower B.gmarter C.teacher )3.A.kilogram B.ruelre C.fish 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单问。(所两谊)(10分) )4.A.both B.countryside C.city 曾 ( )1.A.sfark B.shorter C.shoe 蟹 ( )5.A.shudow B.get C.became 绝 )2.A.feet B.meet C.mctre )3.A.happy B.heavy 六、单项选择。(10分) C.heavier 个 ( )4.A.stronger B.smaller )1.My legs ure longer than C.smarler 知 )5.A.shadow B.become C.both A.you B.yours C.your 学 二、昕景音,选出你所听到的阅子。(听两玩)(10分) ( )2. eyes arc bigeer )1.A.You're younger than me. B.You're older than me. A.啊ho B.Who's C.Whose )2.h.1'm1.85nlrs. B.I'm 1.65 metrea. )3.The Changjiang River is than the Yellow River. )3.A.My sltoes are sise37」 B.My shoca arc aize 36. A.longer B.smaller C.shorter ( )4.A.It's heavicr than both of us. B.Ie's taller than both of us. )4.I'm 14 years old.You're 16 years old.You'rc than me. )5.A.Your feet are bigger than minc D.Your shues are bigger than mine. B.oider C.shorter 三、所录音,判断图片与所听句子是(T)否()相符。(听两谊)(10分 (5.The rabbit's tail is than that A.louger;monkey's B.shorter;monkey C.shorter;onkey'a )6.In winter,the weather in Beijing is thar:that in Shenzhen. A.hotter B.colder C.warmer )7.Who is Sam or Mike 5, A.short B.a山eat C.stronger )8.'That is giaffe in山ezoo. 37钢 Saran's John' A.tall B.taller C.the tallest 六年锻英语第1页【共4页】 六年级英语第2页【共4页]

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