
吉林省松原市前郭县第二实验小学2023-2024学年六年级下学期期中英语试题(图片版,含答案 )

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:64次 大小:1872054Byte 来源:二一课件通
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六 年级第 二学期学习评价 三、Read and choose,(给下列内容选择相应的图片。)(6分) 英语 (2) A D 题号 三 四 五 六 十一 成锁 得分 LEEEEEEKE : )1.He read a book last Monday. 、Read and choose..(选出与所给单词网于同类的选项。)(8分) )2.Look!There is a dinosaur! 击 A.hotel B.drank C.longer D.slept )3.The pencil is shorter than the ruler. E.museum F.bigger G.talked H.smarter )4.The woman is thinner than the man. ( )5.I went boating last Thursday. 1.washed: 2.hotter: ( )6.-Is there a lamp in your room Yes,there is. 3.bookstore: 四、Read and choose.(给下列问句选择恰当的答语。)(12分) 二、Choose the best answers..(单项选择。)(8分) ( )1.Did you go boating last Wednesday A.Sarah )1.The black horse is than the white one. A.tallest B.so strong C.stronger ( )2.How are you B.Yes,I did. )2.▲dog is sad ( )3.What are you going to do C.I'm fine A.The first B.Mine C.Those )4.When is the shadow shorter D.It's six metres. )3.Amy A her clothes yesterday. ( )5.Who is funnier than you E.I'm going to do my homework A.wash B.washed C.washes ( )6.How tall is the tree F.In the moming. 如 )4.The people A loud music in the hall. 1- 五、Read and choose.(联系上下文,选择合适的选项补全短文。每项限用一次。)(12分) A.listens B.to listens C.listened to )i.What are they going to buy▲? A.has B.have C.had D.didn't E.slept F.younger A.next weekend B.last weekend C.on April 线 ( )6.一▲feet are smaller than yours My name's Lucy.I 1. a brother.His name's Tom.Tom is 2. 常 -Chen Jie's.. than me.He 3: big eyes.We are both students.We usually go to school from A.How B.Whose C.Where )7.-Are Mike and Zhang Peng going to watch some children's shows together Monday to Friday.But Tom 4. go to school last Friday.Why Because he 一▲ 5.a 'cold.He stayed at home and 6. all day.Don't worry.He's A.Yes,he is. B.No,they don't. C.Yes,they are. OK now. )8.-Let's go to Beijing by plane. 六、Read and write.(用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。(6分) -Great!A plane is than a bus A.faster B.angrier C.well 1.They enjoyed they stay very.much. 六年级英话(2)[第1页) 六年短英21(第2页】

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