
Unit 1 What’s the matter (全单元4课时教案) 人教版八年级英语下册

日期:2024-09-13 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:12次 大小:75314Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 1 What’s the matter Period 1 Section A (1a-2c) Before class: Listen to an English song. Step 1 Warming-up and check what students have learned before class. 1. Greet. T: This song is about our bodies. This class , we’ll talk about something about our bodies— unit 1 together, go. Unit 1 What’s the matter 2. We have learned the words before class. Present a picture of a girl . Look at the girl. How many... Now, all the No. 3 and No. 4 stand up ,say the words one by one .You can get two marks for each word. 4. Work on Section A 1a students say one by one. Look at 1a. Before class, have you finished1a Let’s say the answers like this. T:Good job. You are very careful. Step 2 Presentation . 1. Just now , we know the words about our bodies . But sometimes our body may get ill. How do we ask and answer about illness Let’s watch a video. Follow it and do some actions. From the video. We know we can ask “what’s the matter with you ”and you can answer “I have a ...”. T: We also know some illnesses. Here are the new words about the illnesses. Let’s learn in group. A.Demonstrate :No 1 read the sentences one by one. The others follow him/ her. When you read ,please do some actions like me. Let me see which group read best and act best. B. Study in groups. C. Find the rules. D. Group report. Stop studying, look at these words , what can you find You are good at thinking. Step 3 Guessing game: Have you remember the words Let’s play a guessing game. No 6 come here. quickly. You each act an action. (边说边发纸条)Each group have chances to guess the illness. The others answer like this: “He /She has a...” Step 4 Work on 1b. 1. T: Now, you know some illnesses . Look at the picture .These students ger ill. Show the pictures one by one and ask. What are their names Let’s do 1b. How do we do it For example, we’ll hear Sarah has a cold, and No 1 has a cold , so write 1 behind Sarah. What about 2, 3, 4 and 5 When you hear the illnesses , write their numbers behind the names. 2. Listen. 3. Check the answers. Step 5 Group work. 1. T: Why do they get ill Look at the chart, match the reasons with the illnesses. 2. Check the answers. 3. Demonstrate .Look at the chart. Let’s talk about their illnesses in pairs. Here is the example. Boys ask , girls answer. 4. Look at the chart and make more similar conversations. When you talk , please talk loudly, correctly and politely, please do some actions and use the nice intonations. 5. Let students show their conversations. Step 6 Work on 2a and 2b. 1. T: David has a stomachache, what should he do Show the pictures ,ask and answer. 板书 What should … do …should…. T: Your advice is very useful. Let’s learn more advice from 2a and 2b. 2. Listen, finish 2a. What’s the matter with the people What advice do they get 3. First , guess the answers to 2b. Then listen and check the answers. OK, you have good listening skills. Step 7 Group work. The advice for illness is very useful . It can help us take good care of ... ...

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