
人教版八年级上册Unit 2How often do you exercise? Section A 课时作业(无答案)

日期:2024-09-18 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:21次 大小:25226Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 1 How often do you exercise 课时作业 Section A (建议用时:35分钟) 根据句意及所给的汉语或首字母提示写单词 1.Now we practice speaking English every day on a website on the I_____ 2. To be healthy, we need to exercise at l_____twice a week. 3.I like s_____ dance and it's the first dance I have learned in my life. 4. He said he would finish the task very soon—m____ tomorrow. 5. In our free time, we should share_____(家务劳动) with our parents. 6.I _____(曾经)went camping with a friend. It was really exciting. 7. My next week will be very_____ (忙的). I'm afraid I can't have dinner with you every day. 8. He speaks so fast that I can_____(几乎不) understand him. 二.单项选择 9. Of all the students in class,22____of them live far away from the school. A. percent B. exercise C.world D.body 10.-Look! The bus is coming. -Oh, my God! It's_____. I'm afraid we can't get on it. A.busy B.hungry C.full D.serious 11.-Chinese women's volleyball team won the World Cup. -They are great. No matter what difficulties they meet, they keep going. A. always B.hardly ever C.usually D.often 12. —John_____ from Canada. I'm not sure. —I don't know, either._____ he is from America. A.may be;Maybe B.can be;Must be C. must be;Can be D.may be;May be 13. -_____does your friend go swimming -Almost every day. A.How often B.How soon C.How long D.How much 14.-Mike, why did you sleep in class -Sorry,Miss Wang, I_____ late last night to watch the soccer game, A. put up B. looked up C. got up D. stayed up 15.-Amy, I can't find my English book. -Really _____ I saw you use it in the last class, Helen. A. I don't know. B.How come C. What a pity! D.Sorry to hear that. 16.My mother has _____ free time in our family of three because she has to do the housework every day. A.the fewest B.the least C.less D.the most 17.The children played_____ soccer for the whole afternoon and they usually play it three times____week. How happy they were! A.a;a B.an;/ C./;a D./;the 18.Of the two physics problems,Martha just finished_____ one. A. the most difficult B.the least difficult C.the less difficult D,the difficult 三.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 19.As for me,Miss Li is_____ (many) than a teacher. She is just like my sister. 20.Look! The boat is_____( swing) crazily from side to side because of the strong wind. 21.To save money, she stayed in the_____(little ) expensive hotel of the four hotels. 22.Tom is quite friendly and he always____( help) his classmates with everything. 23.When we face difficulties,we should think___(two) before we make decisions. 四.从方框中选取适当的句子完成对话(有多余项) A: Hi,Angela.I heard someone play the violin.What wonderful music! 24_____ B: I did. I often play the violin when I am free. A:25____ B:Twice a week. A: It's really nice. What else do you do in your free time B:26_____ A:Like what B:Taking a walk , doing my homework , doing sports and so on.27____ A:Besides doing my homework , I have to take many after-school classes. I don't have time to do other thi ... ...

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