
人教新目标2023-2024学年八年级下册英语期末考试必刷题 语法考点聚(含答案)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:10次 大小:25367Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2024学年八年级下册英语期末考试必刷题(人教版) 07 语法考点聚焦 1、[辨析] ①thanks to意为 “由于;多亏;因为”,后接某人或某事。 ②thanks for意为 “因……而感谢”,也可以用 “thank you for”。 练习: (1)多亏了你的帮助,我才摆脱了困境。_____ your help, I got out of trouble. (2)谢谢你帮了我。Thanks very much for _____ me. 2、[辨析] ①in time意为 “及时”。 ②on time意为 “准时”,指按计划做某事。 练习: (1)请及时交作业。Please hand in your homework_____. (2)火车准时到达。The train arrives _____. 3、[辨析] ①thanks to意为 “由于;多亏;因为”,后接某人或某事。 ②thanks for意为 “因……而感谢”,也可以用 “thank you for”。 练习: (1)多亏了你的帮助,我才摆脱了困境。_____ your help, I got out of trouble. (2)谢谢你帮了我。Thanks very much for _____ me. 4、[辨析] ①in time意为 “及时”。 ②on time意为 “准时”,指按计划做某事。 练习: (1)请及时交作业。Please hand in your homework_____. (2)火车准时到达。The train arrives _____. 5、[解释]be (get)used to意为 “习惯于……;适应于……”,后可接名词、代词或动名词。 The old man isn't used to living in the city.那个老人不习惯住在城里。 [拓展]used to do sth.意为 “过去常常做某事”。 My grandfather used to take a walk after supper.我爷爷过去常常晚饭后散步。 He used to get up late, but now he is used to getting up early. 他过去起得晚,但他现在习惯于早起。 练习: (  )He used to _____ a simple life, but the life he was used to _____ a lot recently. A.live; changing B.living; has changed C.live; has changed D.living; changing 6、[辨析] alone作形容词,意为 “单独的;独自的”。He likes living alone.他喜欢独自生活。 作副词,意为 “只有;仅仅”,用在名词或代词之后。 He alone understands me.唯有他理解我。 lonely意为 “孤单的;寂寞的;偏僻的”。I have few friends here and feel lonely.我在这儿几乎没有朋友,感到非常孤单。 练习: (  )The old man lives _____, but he never feels _____. A.alone; alone B.alone; lonely C.lonely; lonely D.lonely; alone 7、[解释]run out of意为 “用完;耗尽”,of后接宾语,主语通常是 “人”。 [拓展]run out意为 “用完;用尽”,后不接宾语,主语通常是 “物”。 Our food will soon run out.我们的食物快吃完了。 use up意为 “用完;用尽”,主语通常是 “人”,有被动语态。 He ran out of all his money.=All his money ran out.= He used up all his money. = All his money was used up. 练习:(  )Yesterday I _____ all the paper.I need to get some now. ate up B.run out of C.ran out of D.was used up 8、[辨析] ①borrow意为 “借进;借入”,非延续性动词,常构成短语 “borrow sth.from sb.”。 He borrowed some books from the library last month.他上个月从图书馆借了一些书。 ②lend意为 “借给;借出”,常构成短语 “lend sb.sth.”和 “lend sth.to sb.”。 You can't lend my dictionary to others.你不能把我的字典借给别人。 ③keep意为 “保持;保存”,延续性动词,通常和一段时间连用。 —How long can I keep the book?我能把这本书借多久? —You can keep it for two weeks.你能借两周。 练习:(  )—Can I _____ your bike —With pleasure.But you mustn't _____ it to others. A.lend; borrow B.borrow; lend C.lend; keep D.k ... ...

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