ID: 20423530

北师大版(2019)必修第三册Unit 9 learning Lesson 3 The Secrets of Your Memory 课件(共18张PPT)

日期:2024-10-27 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:45次 大小:861555B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) THE UN-BIRTHDAY GIFT RADING CLUB 2 humorous/present attractive/ childish A present given when it isn't your birthday . Type : Adapted from the original English work-The looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll, who was born in England. Introduction the author Lewis Carroll was born in 1832 in England and died in 1898. Carroll's most famous books were Alice's Adventures In Wanderland (published in1865) and Through the Looking-Glass (published in 1871). As well as(除了) being a writer, he was also a mathematician(数学家) and photographer (摄影师), amongst other things/ fields.(在其它领域) Note: 1 Lewis Carrooll 刘易斯.卡罗尔 2 Alice's Adventure In Wanderland 《爱丽丝漫游奇遇》 3 Through the Looking - Glass 《 爱丽丝镜中奇遇记》 Adapted from Chapter 6 : Humpty Dumpty(汉普蒂. 邓普蒂,矮胖) Through the Looking- Glass. Alice met different kinds of creatures in this world, including Humpty Dumpty, a dumpty person who looks like an egg. Cultural Element: two classic characters in English literature - Alice and Humpty and Dumpty . NOTES 1 Offened adj 生气的,恼火的 2 growl n 低 哮 3 provoking adj 惹人生气的 4 ignorant adj 无知的 5 humbly 谦虚的 6 relent v. 变温和 scarf / belt/ thoroughly/ evidently =obviously / subject/ thoughtfully/ remain doubtful / notebook /sum/ odd /certainly= of course/angry/ interrupt GENNERAL UNDERST AND UNDERSTANDING ① Who do you think Lewis Carroll wrote the story for I think Lewis Carroll wrote the story for children as it is set in a magical and unusual world. The author is very creative and humorous in his writing which appeals to young people. I think Lewis Carroll wrote this for people of all ages. It is a fun and engaging story. I think adults can appreciate the author's work as much as children. ② Why was Humpty Dumpty offended when Alice said, " What a beautiful belt ︿you've got on Humpty Dumpty was offended because he thought Alice was making fun of his body that she couldn't where the neck was and where the body was . (that/ which) angry /angrily anger ③ Were Alice and Humpty Dumpty good friends How do you that They could be good friends. Three reasons : 1 Humpty Dumpty didn't say anything though he was offended; 2 They can show their feelings. 3 They could share such funny things like un-birthday literary nonsense Use your head, think what Literary nonsense means parts of a story that do not make much sense and are meant to make the reader think and be entertained. CRITICAL THNKING Why did Lewis Carroll create them ④ What are some examples of literary nonsense in the text Underline the sentences. "... shows that there are three hundred and sixty-four days when you might get un-birthday presents." ⑤ Do you like his stories Why or why not Yes, I do. Because it's an engaging story ,which is full humorous. "Un- birthday " is not a word but " un " is used to change many English words , so here is placed before birthday to show a day when it is not birth ... ...

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