
Unit 8 Summer Holiday Is Coming!期末知识点复习(含解析)冀教版七年级英语下册

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:54次 大小:255275Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 8 Summer Holiday Is Coming!—七年级下学期英语冀教版期末复习知识大盘点 一、学习目标整合 语言能力 能听懂发音清晰、语速较慢的简短口头表达,获取关键信息;积累日常生活中常用的习惯用语和交流信息的基本表达方式;积累常用的词语搭配;了解句子的结构特征。 文化意识 能初步了解英语的语用特征,选择恰当的交际策略;能意识到错误并进行适当的纠正。能理解与感悟中外优秀文化的内涵。 思维品质 能发现语篇中事件的发展和变化,辨识信息之间的相关性,把握语篇的整体意义。 学习能力 对英语学习有持续的兴趣和较为明确的学习需求与目标;有积极主动的学习态度和较强的自信心。 二、思维导图回顾知识 三、重难知识易混易错 1. sometimes, sometime, some time, some times的辨析 (1)sometimes 有时候(=at times) 常用于一般现在时。 He sometimes watches TV. (2)sometime意为 “在某一时候”,表示时间的不确定。 We will visit the museum sometime next week.下周的某个时候我们将参观博物馆。 (3)some time 意为 “一段时间”。 I will be away for some time. (4)some times 意为 “好几次”。 I went to Beijing some times. 2.At noon, we had a party. noon用作名词“中午”,常构成短语 at noon “在中午”。 The meeting will start at noon. at, on, in (1)at后跟具体的时间点,如at eight。固定短语:at noon在中午,at night在晚上。 Does he get up at 6:30 every day (2)on后跟具体的某一天或某一天的上午、下午或晚上,如on Monday morning。 What do you often do on Friday night (3)in后跟季节、月份、年份等,或一般意义上的上午、下午或晚上,如in spring。 Do you like going climbing in fall 练习: 1. Last week Sun Li and her cousin o_____ a trip to Dalian. 2. Four children are waiting in front of me. I am the f_____. 3. We all know that the Moon moves around the e_____. 4. How s_____ the cat is! It has only three legs. 5. He often s_____ for some useful information on the Internet. 6. I want to see English films to improve my English, but they speak too q_____ for me to catch their meaning. 7. When I was young, I was very a_____ of snake. 8. Be careful when you go a_____ the street. 9. Pear juice t_____ good. All of us like it. 10. He h_____ eggs, so he seldom eats one. 四、核心素养对接中考 1.Your leg looks really bad! I think you should send for a _____ about that. A. pilot B. doctor C. singer D. postman 2.These beautiful animals are endangered. We must _____ them. A. save B. show C. stop D. catch 3.—How do we turn on the oven —I _____ you. Weren't you listening A. tell B. am telling C. will tell D. have told 4.Our country will be much better for everyone in future _____ we all do something to help now. A. if B. before C. so that D. even though 5.—What did you do last weekend —I _____ to the movies with my friends. A. will go B. go C. goes D. went 6.—I wonder _____. —Yes, it tastes really good. A. who likes eating zongzi B. if this kind of zongzi is delicious C. where I can buy this kind of zongzi D. how much we should pay for this kind of zongzi 7.It rained. _____, the basketball match was put off. A.After all B.Instead C.Therefore D.However 8._____, I prefer listening to music that can cheer me up. A. When I am in high spirits B. Because ... ...

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