
译林版(2019) 必修第三册 Unit 4 Scientists Who Changed the World Extended reading课件(共24张PPT)

日期:2024-07-02 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:54次 大小:412076Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 牛津译林版高中英语必修三课件 Unit 4 Scientists who changed the world  Extended reading Page 53-54 The Value of Science ◆ 内容分析   【What】本板块的语篇改编自著名科学家理查德 · 费曼的公开演讲。语篇的主题是科学的价值。作者通过自问自答,条理清楚、由浅入深地从三个层面回答了“科学价值何在”这一问题。   【Why】“科学有无善恶”,或者说“科学价值何在”这个问题的提出,同作者参与美国原子弹研制的经历有关。作者一生为之奋斗的科学成果最后却成为毁伤无数生命的大规模杀伤性武器,这让作者开始深入反思“科学中是否也有罪恶的成分”这一问题,旨在提醒我们“应该如何看待、如何运用科学知识”,并强调“怀疑的自由”在科学研究中的重要价值。   【How】本板块的语篇类型是演讲稿,主题鲜明、语言生动、结构清晰。演讲者首先通过自我设问抓住听众(读者)的注意力,接着分三段诠释了科学三个层面的价值所在:一是科学知识能让我们做各种各样的事,二是科学探究给予我们智力上的享受,三是科学家具有怀疑的自由。最后演讲者阐明了科学家的责任所在。 ◆ 教学目标  By the end of this section, we will be able to: 1. understand the main idea of each paragraph; 2. analyse the language and rhetorical devices used in this lecture; 3. write a summary of this lecture; 4. explain the value of science. rhet·oric·al /r t r kl/ 修辞的;修辞性的;带有修辞色彩的;反问的;反诘的;辞藻华丽的;虚夸的;花言巧语的 de·vice /d va s/ 手段;策略;方法;技巧 Read the lecture transcript about the importance of science. The Value of Science When I was younger, I thought science would make good things for everybody. It was obviously useful; it was good. But then during the war I worked on the atomic bomb. work on sth努力改善(或完成) work on sb努力说服(使某人答应或做某事) atomic bomb/ atom bomb 原子弹 This result of science was obviously very serious—it represented the destruction of people and it put our future at risk. I had to ask myself, “Is there some evil involved in science ”这个科学的成果又明摆着有很大危险性———它意味着人的毁灭,并使我们的未来岌岌可危。我不得不扪心自问:“科学之中是不是也包含罪恶?” ser·ious / s ri s/ 不好的;严重的;有危险的;严重的; 危急的 rep·re·sent / repr zent/ 等于;相当于;意味着 de·struc·tion /d str k n/ 摧毁;毁灭;破坏 at risk (from/of sth)有危险;冒风险 △Put another way, what is the value of the science I had long devoted myself to—the thing I had loved—when I saw what terrible things it could do It was a question I had to answer. I thought long and hard about this question, and I will try to answer it in this talk. 换言之,在我发现科学可能造成的恶果之后,我一直投身其中的科学,我曾经的挚爱,价值何在?这是一个我不得不回答的问题。关于这个问题,我苦思冥想了很久,我将试着在这次演讲中给出解答。 put说;表达 to put it another way 换个说法 in other words换句话说;也就是说;换言之 ter·rible / ter bl/ 危害极大的;造成极大伤害的;非常严重的 The first way in which science is of value is familiar to everyone: scientific knowledge enables us to do and make all kinds of things. Of course, if we make good things, it is not ... ...

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