
北师大版(2019)必修第一册Unit 3 Celebrations Lesson 1 Spring Festival 课件(共40张PPT)

日期:2024-09-18 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:85次 大小:27183424Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 3 Celebrations 1. What festival is it 2. What do people do during the festival Watch a video and answer the following questions. What else do people do to prepare and celebrate Spring Festival Brainstorming book train tickets or flights Spring Festival travel rush 春运 Clean the house from top to bottom do shopping for the Spring Festival write couplets put up couplets prepare snacks offer sacrifices to ancestors 祭祀祖先 make dumplings have a family reunion dinner watch the Spring Festival Gala let off fireworks give red envelopes (lucky money) to kids Learning PART 01 Ⅱ We would like to collect some accounts about Spring Festival, looking forward to your accounts! Notes from the editor: Spring Festival in China is an important tradition in China. It has unique meanings. However, people may understand it differently, including those from other culture. Here are three readers’ accounts to our magazine, in which the readers shared their experiences and views about it. Tom Jenkins a 16-year-old exchange student living in Nanjing Xu Gang a 28-year-old computer engineer working in Shanghai Li Yan a 70-year-old grandmother from Heilongjiang There are three readers’ accounts to the magazine. Fast reading The three accounts all follow the order(顺序) of _____ Can you find any evidence(证据) time Tom: Preparations began a week before the festival. First ,……Next… The greatest excitement began the night before Spring Festival. Xu Gang …weeks before Spring Festival … The moment I get on the train… When I get home… Li Yan …weeks before Spring Festival … …when everyone comes home. They all share a similar structure, which is 1.preparations before the Spring Festival 2.activities during the Spring Festival 3.meaning of the Spring Festival Find out each person’s experience of Spring Festival in the three accounts. 1. The house was cleaned from top to bottom 1. to sweep away the dirt of the past year and get ready for the new year 2. the Chinese character Fu was attached upside down to our front door 2. happiness arrives 3. Fireworks were being let off 3. to scare away the monster Nian Tom Jenkins with his host family in Nanjing Detail reading 4. set together and enjoy a big dinner Xu Gang at home in Shanxi, with his family 1. book travel tickets 2. choose gifts for parents 3. chat with his parents and have hotpot Li Yan at home in Heilongjiang, with her children and grandchildren 1. get ready for their homecoming 2. buy things and prepare dishes 3. grandchildren: running , shouting , playing 5. make & have jiaozi together 4. adults: gather around talking about the past year III PART 01 Exploration Tom Jenkins Xu Gang Li Yan coming home and being with his entire family the joy of a family gathering. excitement fun 1. What does Spring Festival mean to them For Tom, Spring Festival means e_____ and a lot of f_____. For Xu Gang, _____are the most important part of the Spring Fest ... ...

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