
译林版(2020) 必修第一册 Unit 4 Looking Good,Feeling Good Reading(共16张PPT内嵌音频)

日期:2024-07-02 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:67次 大小:6460763Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit4 Looking good, feeling good-Reading Pre-reading and while-reading Para1-4 Understand the news report and the author’s attitude towards unhealthy weight-loss habits; Grasp the proper way to read a news report and use the lead of the report to get information about “who、what、when、where、why” of the news and in return to write a lead; Know a lot about weight loss and develop a correct view towards beauty. By the end of this section, students will be able to: Learning objectives Pre-reading Have you heard about any news recently What do they have in common Can you summarize some features of these headlines Brief, direct, exact and eye-catching! Pre-reading What do you feel about this headline What would you like to know about this headline While-reading: Fast reading Tips for reading a news report: A news report usually starts with a lead. It gives the most important information about an event. Then the following paragraphs give more detailed information about the event. Some news reports go on to provide background or supporting information. The structure of the news report Para(2-_): The r_____ and r____ of Jennifer’s skipping meals. While-reading: Fast reading Part1: Lead Part2: More detailed information Part3: Background or supporting information Para(_-7): The s_____ background of Jennifer’s case and _____’s suggestions. A News Report Para1: A teenager girl….meals. eason esult 4 5 ocial expert Part1: Lead-Para1 While-reading: Detailed reading It gives the most important information about an event. A teenager girl fainted yesterday at Stonechester High school after skipping meals. Who What When Where Why The lead of a news report should include “who, what, when, where and why”. While-reading: Detailed reading Part2: Detailed Info-Para(2-4) Task1: Scan para2-4 quickly and find out who we’re going to interview. Para 2: Before hospital Para 3: Inside hospital Para 4: Outside hospital Jennifer friends Jennifer’s patents and her doctor Jennifer’s classmates and her best friend-Laura Williams While-reading: Detailed reading Part2: Para2-Before hospital Task 2: Read para2 and listen to what Jennifer’s friends said and answer the question “Why was Jennifer rushed to hospital ” She was feeling unwell and passed out in her morning PE lesson. While-reading: Detailed reading Part2: Para3-Inside hospital Task 3: Read and listen to what Jennifer’s doctor and parents said. Q1: Why did Jennifer pass out according to the doctor A1: She was found to have low blood sugar. Q2: Why did Jennifer have low blood sugar according to Jennifer’s parents A2: She missed breakfast that day and hardly touched her dinner the night before. While-reading: Detailed reading Part2: Para4-Outside hospital Task 5: Listen to what Jennifer’s classmates and best friend said. Q1: Why did Jennifer skip meals A1: She thought it would be a simple way to reach her target weight. Q2: What happened to Jenn ... ...

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