
2024年中考英语二轮题型专题:任务型阅读 (辽宁专用) (含解析)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:18次 大小:127667Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2024年中考英语(任务型阅读)模拟真题速递(辽宁专用) (2024·辽宁锦州·二模)阅读短文,然后根据内容回答问题。 On Jan 25, 2014, Li Na became the first Asian player to win the Australian Open women’s singles (女单). At that time, 11-year-old Zheng Qinwen was watching in front of a television. The same day 10 years later, Zheng made history by reaching the Australian Open women’s singles final, becoming the second Chinese female (女性的) tennis player to advance (晋级) to a Grand Slam (大满贯) singles final. On Jan 27, she came runner-up (亚军) in the event. “Li Na is my idol (偶像). It’s she who helped shape my dream,” said Zheng. During the 2024 Australian Open, the two spoke in person for the first time, and Zheng credits (归功于) Li with offering some key advice. “She told me, Don’t think too much. Just go for it,” Zheng said to Xinhua. These moments all made this decade-long “inheritance (传承)” even more special. Zheng and Li, both from Hubei, share a similar path (道路) in learning tennis. They had professional and international training from a young age, following international standards and setting clear goals, noted Xinhua. The 21-year-old Zheng has proved herself to be a serious player since turning pro (职业选手) in 2020. Within just over two years of playing in WTA events, she has won tour championships and became the second Chinese player to enter the world’s top 10, said Xinhua. Just as Li has lifted Chinese tennis to greater heights, Zheng also hopes to encourage the next generation (一代人). “I want to be an example for children, so that when they see me, they know that I am not only a good player, but also a good person, a young, fantastic role model who can inspire them to push ahead,” Zheng told CGTN. 1.How many female tennis players have advanced to a Grand Slam singles final in China 2.What did Li Na advise Zheng Qinwen to do 3.What similarities do Zheng and Li have in training tennis 4.Please write something about your own role model who can inspire you to push ahead. Write 30 words or more. (2024·辽宁葫芦岛·一模)阅读短文,然后根据内容回答问题。 Three years ago I moved back to America, but some wonderful memories (记忆) in China have always stayed with me which made me fall in love with Chinese culture. One day, in one corner of a restaurant in Beijing, I saw a painted clay dog: green and blue, with large ears and a long tail. The dog was smiling at me all through dinner. Over the next few days, I kept thinking about it. I searched for information about the dog and finally knew where it was from—Fengxiang, Shaanxi Province. As the Chinese New Year holiday was coming up, my husband and I decided to go there to explore the clay culture. We arrived at a tiny village in Fengxiang. There was only a street with a row of modest (朴素的) homes. We walked into the workrooms, where lots of clay animals sat on tables and waited for coats of paint. One of the workers explained that the objects were nisu, dating back to ... ...

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