
Unit6 SectionB 1a-1d 课件+内嵌听力音频(人教七下Unit6 I’m watching TV.)

日期:2024-06-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:65次 大小:4703175Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Section B(1a-1e) Unit 6 I’m watching TV. She is talking on the phone. What is she doing He is reading a book. What is he doing He is cleaning the room. What is he doing They are watching TV. What are they doing He is playing computer games. What is he doing She is painting / drawing. What is she doing She is running. What is she doing They are dancing. What are they doing She is doing homework. What is she doing He is playing the guitar. What is he doing Do you know these places Presentation pool He is swimming in the pool. What is he doing They are shopping in the supermarket. supermarket What are they doing playground He is playing basketball on the playground. What is he doing library He is reading in the library. What is he doing Look at the plete the chart. Place Activities 1. 2. 3. library pool swimming supermarket shopping reading (books) 1a Name Place Activities Alice supermarket Mike Lisa school library reading shopping playing basketball 1c Listen and complete the chart. Listen again. Check your answers in 1c. 1d Using the information in the chart to make a conversation. 1e Name Place Activities Alice supermarket Mike Lisa school library reading shopping playing basketball -- Is Alice shopping at the supermarket -- Yes, she is. Let's play a game! Group A write down a name of our classmates; Group B write down the activities; Group C write down the places 三大组分别写名字、正在做什么以及地点,交到三个盒子里。邀请同学上台来抽取组成一句话,并表演出动作,其他同学猜测“What is he/she doing (此活动可能会很无厘头哦) Homework : (1) Search in the internet about the Dragon Boat Festival and other traditional Chinese Festivals. (2) Share it with our classmates. Thank you!

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