
人教版(2019)选择性必修四 Unit 3 Sea Exploration Project 课件(共17张PPT)

日期:2024-09-11 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:65次 大小:7405388Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 3 Project: Create a poster for World Oceans Day Learning Objectives In this class, you will 1. review the elements of a poster; 2. create a poster for World Oceans Day; 3. get aware of the importance of ocean protection. Review posters Impressive Image Catchy Title Detailed Information the characteristics of posters profound theme Explore the theme OCEANS Explore the theme What’s your impression of the oceans vast blue beautiful lively thriving the habitat of diverse sea creatures totally different from the earth a new dimension of life a wonder 1. What is the relationship between humans and the oceans 2. What is the present situation of the oceans 3. What should we do Explore the theme 1. relationship 2. situation 3. actions 1. What is the relationship between humans and the oceans 2. What is the present situation of the oceans 3. What should we do Explore the theme Humans depend on oceans for sustenance(食物), transportation, tradition, survival. Oceans sustain us and carry the weight of our actions. Humanity’s progress lead to mounting pressures The effect has become more and more pronounced(显著的) In a dire(及其可怕的) state—pollution, melting ice, dead sea creatures... Onus(责任) is on us, individually and collectively. To work together, to listen, to share our knowledge, to bridge the barriers and to collaborate. To restore the oceans’ vibrancy(活力) and to bring it new life. How has humanity’s progress led to the dire state rising living standard→increasing tourism→ garbage→pollution industry development→chemical waste→ pollution industry development→global warming→ melting ice overfishing & chemical waste→dead sea creatures Onus is on us, individually and collectively. To work together, to listen, to share our knowledge, to bridge the barriers and to collaborate. To restore the oceans’ vibrancy and to bring it new life. Explore the theme How can we achieve that By joining the World Oceans Day! 2018: Clean our Ocean: Youth and Innovation 2019: Gender and Oceans 2020: Innovation for a Sustainable Ocean 2021: The Ocean: Life and Livelihoods 2022: Revitalization - Collective Action for the Ocean 2023: Planet Ocean: Tides are changing Pick a theme Attractions: wonders of the sea beautiful beaches biodiversity deep-sea exploration ... Problems: overfishing pollution coral reefs tourism melting ice ... Resources Bank: https://www.msc.org/en-au/what-you-can-do/campaign-for-change/world-oceans-day https://worldoceanday.org https://www.unesco.org/en/days/oceans Research your theme Find out as much about your theme as you can. Use the Internet and your school library. Come up with a slogan Give ugly a chance! Don’t make paper with my home! Protect Environment Stop illegal hunting immediately Protect wildlife. Say no to shark fin soup. 150-200 wildlife species lost Instructions: 1. It should be short and catchy. 2. Use imperative sentences(祈使句) or exclamatory sen ... ...

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