
北师大版(2019)必修第一册 Unit 2 Sports and Fitness Topic talk 课件(共24张PPT,内嵌音频)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:44次 大小:15571056Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 Sports and Fitness Topic Talk & Listening Brain storming: The sports you know: How often do you play sports frequency: never seldom sometimes often usually always S P O R T trengthen your body romote your growth vercome your weakness educe health problems rain your mind Is playing sports beneficial for us Listen and tick: Listen and underline: My trouble: I never do exercise after school; I prefer to sleep and play mobile phone rather than play sport at my leisure; I prefer to eat junk food rather than eat healthy food. I think you are . You should more often. Advice: in good shape/ in bad shape have a healthy and balanced diet eat fruit and vegetables/ eat healthy food/ play sports cycle/ walk to school walk up the staires cultivate a hobby like playing ... I prefer to rather than . I think I am . I should more often. Your troubles & Advice: six players Listen and fill in the rules: sports volleyball rules/ tips There are on each team. A player from one team begins the game by over the net into . The recieving team must not let the ball their court. The team can up to three times before sending it over into the other court. Listen and fill in the rules: sports tennis rules/ tips Audiences are reminded to or . When the ball is in play, do not . Wait for the point or game to end before . When taking photos during the match, please turn off your . Do not the court. Listen and fill in the rules: sports boxing rules/ tips You can’t hit anywhere ; You can’t the other person, either; You are prohibited from with your head, shoulder, or arm. Listen and fill in the rules: sports fun run rules/ tips Remember to do a ; Don’t run too fast ; Your last meal should be ; Don’t too much while running. How to express Do and Don’t: Don’t Please do not cheer or talk loudly; You can’t hit anywhere below the belt; You’re prohibited from hitting the other person with your head; So don’t run too fast for the first hour or you won’t have enough energe left... Do Audiences are reminded to turn off the phones... Just remember to do a warm-up before you run; And I suppose I ought to get a big breakfast before; But your last meal should be at least one hour before you run. Transform the expressions: Do are reminded to do remember to do ought to do should do Don’t please do not do can’t do be prohibited from doing don’t please do can do be not prohibited from doing do are reminded not to do remember not to do sth ought not to do should not do Expressions related to rules/ tips: imperative sentences: (please) do/ don’t do sth. modal verbs: should/ ought to/ can’t/ must... collocations: be reminded to do sth/ remember to do sth/ be prohibited from doing sth... My favorite sport: My favorite sport is table tennis./ I like playing tennis. My favorite athlete is Ma Long. Table tennis can be played by two or four athletes. In tennis, player who reaches 11 points will win a set, and then win the ... ...

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