
人教版(2019)选择性必修四 Unit 3 Sea Exploration Video Time 课件(共13张PPT)

日期:2024-09-11 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:70次 大小:17355027Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 3 Video Time 年 级:高三 学 科:高中英语(人教版 选必四) Learning Objectives At the end of this class, you will be able to 1. understand some words and phrases related to marine research, like vessel, samples, atmospheric, conduct tasks and so on; 2. know more about China’s most sophisticated vessel Kexue and the research work on it; 3. realize the importance of marine research. Thinking Why do people explore the ocean Possible answer: Ocean exploration is about making discoveries, searching for things that are unusual and unexpected. Through ocean exploration, we collect data and information needed to address both current and emerging science and management needs. We can more effectively manage, conserve, regulate, and use ocean resources. Deep into the Sea The video is about Kexue, China’s most sophisticated research vessel, which is designed to conduct a wide range of tasks. Based on Kexue, China has taken the lead in building a world-class platform for marine research. Introduction of the video It is the most sophisticated research vessel. Its tasks include: water body detection deep-sea environment investigation atmospheric exploration conducting onboard experiments collecting geological samples. 1. Do you know the vessel Kexue 2. What do you know about the vessel Kexue Look at the pictures from the video. What do you think these people are doing Before you watch B. A researcher on the Kexue is looking at a monitor while using a joystick(控制杆)to manoeuvre(操纵) the Faxian submersible vehicle(潜水器) in deep water. A. Researchers on the Kexue are raising a research buoy(浮标)off the ship and lowering it into the water. C. Researchers on the Kexue are conducting onboard experiments. Match each picture with the introductions from A-C. A C B D. Researchers on the Kexue are manoeuvring a large instrument into the place on the deck of the ship. F. Researchers on the Kexue are releasing a balloon for atmospheric investigation. E. Researchers on the Kexue are lowering nets into the water to collect samples. Match each picture with the introductions from D-F. D F E While watching, think about the answers to exercises 2-3. 1. The sea covers over/under two-thirds of our planet. 2. Kexue is regarded as a moving laboratory/factory on the sea. 3. The IOCAS is the Institute/Initiative of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences/Scientists. 4. The Faxian vehicle has surveyed more than 3,000/400 sites and has collected 3/3,000 tons of geological samples. While you watch Circle the best words to complete the sentences below. In the video: Over 3000 biological samples have been collected. Nearly 3 tons of geological samples have been obtained, and more than 400 sites have been surveyed. 中国科学院海洋研究所 1. When was Kexue first put into operation 2. What is the function of Faxian 3. What did IOCAS conduct research on the Western Pacific Ocean System for 4. Why is marine scienc ... ...

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