
牛津译林版(2019)选修 第一册Unit 2 The universal language Reading 语言点课件(共18张PPT)

日期:2024-10-04 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:77次 大小:4730317Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) UNIT 2 The Universal Language -- Reading II Review Review the text and complete the notes below. The violin concerto Butterfly Lovers takes us through the story of a young couple (1) _____. This beautiful piece of music expresses different moods-first light and pleasant, then (2) _____, next dramatic with heavier notes and finally bittersweet. The piece is a perfect combination of Chinese and Western musical elements—it is played on (3) _____ such as the violin but has its roots in Chinese Yue Opera. torn apart by their families fast and cheerful Western instruments Email 1 Review Review the text and complete the notes below. Country music grew out of such music types as (4)_____. It became popular in the south of America in the 1940s and then spread across the nation. The tunes are easy to sing, and the lyrics often leave you deep in thought. Most of the songs are about (5) _____. Country music makes you think of the green fields and (6) _____. the blues and folk music hardship, heartbreak and hope simple life of the countryside Email 2 1. Last night, I watched a performance of Butterfly Lovers, a beautiful violin concerto composed by He Zhanhao and Chen Gang. (para. 1, lines 1–3) 昨晚,我观看了一场《梁祝》的演出,这是由何占豪、陈钢创作的一部动听的小提琴协奏曲。 compose ① v. 作曲 Practice 这首歌是专门为这部电影谱写的。 The song is specially composed for the film. compose ② v. 组成 be composed of sth 由某物组成 compose ③ v. 撰写 他写了一封抗议信。 He composed a letter of protest. Practice 一切动植物均由细胞组成。 All animals and plants are composed of cells. Practice I like classical music, particularly music _____ by Mozart, Beethoven and other great _____. My favorite piece of music is Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9, one of his finest _____. composed composers compositions compose ④ v. 使镇静 compose oneself 使某人平静下来 composer n.作曲家,作曲者 composition n. 作品,作文,构成 2. It’s a piece that really deserves to be heard. (para. 1, lines 4–5) 这部作品真的值得一听。 这本英文小说值得反复阅读。 他们不该赢。 This English novel deserves to be read again and again. This English novel deserves reading again and again. Practice deserve vt. 值得,应得 deserve to be done= deserve doing sth 值得被.....(主动表被动) deserve to do sth 应该做某事 They didn’t deserve to win. 3. Then the music gets dramatic with heavier notes and that is when the lovers are separated because Zhu’s father forces her to marry another man. (para. 2, lines 10–12) 接下来,乐曲在沉重的曲调中变得激烈起来,此时这对情侣被拆散,因为祝英台的父亲逼她另嫁他人。 dramatic adj. ① 激动人心的,引人注目的 Practice 最震撼人心的事件 dramatic adj. ② 突然的;戏剧的;夸张的 暴涨/暴跌/巨变 the most dramatic events A dramatic increase/fall/change drama n.戏,剧;戏剧艺术 dramatically adv.显著地,急剧地;戏剧性地 4. Overcome with sorrow, she jumps into his grave.(para. 2, lines 13–14) 不胜伤悲,她跳进了梁山伯的坟墓。 1. ... ...

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