ID: 20572379

译林版(2020) 必修第三册 Unit 4 Scientists Who Changed the World Reading课件(共18张PPT,内嵌音频)

日期:2025-03-07 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:17次 大小:8211314B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 4 Scientists who changed the world Reading Chinese scientist wins 2015 Nobel Prize 屠呦呦和青蒿素的故事 科研不是为了 争名争利 屠呦呦———第一位获诺贝尔科学奖项的 中国本土科学家 TU YOUYOU—The first Chinese native scientist to receive the Nobel Prize 呦呦鹿鸣,食野之蒿。 ———《诗经·小雅·鹿鸣》 How gaily call the deer, While eating southernwood. --许渊冲 Can you find the lead of this news report Tu Youyou has become the first female scientist of the People’s Republic of China to receive a Nobel Prize, awarded for her contribution to the fight against malaria, one of the deadliest diseases in human history. Thanks to her discovery of qinghaosu, malaria patients all over the world now have a greatly increased chance of survival. What is the main idea of the lead What should be included in a lead What should be provided in the rest part Details and background information. Task 1 who, when, why, where and what Para. 1: Tu Youyou won a Nobel Prize in 2015 for her discovery of qinghaosu. Part 1 The lead Part 2 More detailed information about the event Para. 2: _____ _____ _____ Paras. 3-5: _____ _____ _____ Chinese scientist wins 2015 Nobel Prize Para. 6: _____ The headline Part 3 Background or supporting information Tu Youyou and her team’s efforts finally paid off. Tu Youyou acquired a broad knowledge of both traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine. Tu Youyou and her team solved a lot of problems before they successfully discovered qinghaosu. Read for the structure. Task 2 Read for the detailed information. Problems Solutions The extracts failed to produce any promising results. Tu and her team could not produce enough qinghaosu extract because research resources were limited. Tu and her team did not have sufficient safety data to start trials on patients. Tu Youyou referred to the ancient books of traditional Chinese medicine again, redesigned the experiments and tried extracting the qinghao herb at a low temperature in order not to damage its effective part. Tu Youyou and her team managed to find solutions to the problem, e.g. using household water containers instead of research equipment. Tu Youyou and her team volunteered to test the qinghao extract on themselves. Task 3 Tu’s education was soon to prove very useful. (Line 13) It moves from Tu’s educational background (Para. 2) to “Tu’s success in making qinghao extract”(Para. 3) Read for the transitional sentences. Can you find the transitional sentences used in this news report and analyze their functions one by one Task 4 However, it was hard to produce enough qinghao extract for large trials because research resources were limited.(Line 23) It moves from Tu’s success in making qinghao extract (Para. 3) to “the process of making enough qinghao extract for large trials”(Para. 4) Read for the transitional sentences. Can you find the transitional sentences used in this news report and analyze their functio ... ...

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