
Module 9 Life history 课件 (3课时)2023-2024学年外研版英语七年级下册期末知识梳理

日期:2024-06-25 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:56次 大小:1852086Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 2  He decided to be an actor. 外研社版 七年级英语下册 课前导学 夯实基础 01 03 CONTANTS 目 录 能力提升 04 课堂导学 02 英语 ◆ 课前导学 ◆ 返回目录 一、请根据中文意思写出下列重点单词。 名词 (n.) 1.剧本;戏剧     2.诗歌     3.作品;著作     4.火;火灾     5.语言     play poem work fire language 英语 返回目录 动词 (v.) 1.结婚     2.建造     3.死;去世     形容词 (adj.) 1.成功的     2.富有的     介词 (prep.) 在……河边     marry build die successful rich on 英语 返回目录 二、请认真阅读课文,找出下列重点短语。 1.剧作家兼诗人       2.在他的一生中     3.学会做某事   . 4.决定做某事   . 5.毕业     6.加入一个戏剧公司     writer of plays and poems in his life learn to do sth.  decide to do sth.  finish school join a theatre company 英语 返回目录 7.成为一个成功的(男)演员     8.开始做某事   . 9.在二十世纪九十年代       10.在……岁时     11.用英语     12.用许多其他语言     13.世界各地     become a successful actor begin to do sth.  in the 1990s at the age of... in English in many other languages around the world 英语 返回目录 三、重点句子(阅读课文,完成下列句子)。 1.威廉·莎士比亚是一位著名的英国剧作家和诗人。 William Shakespeare was a famous English                    . 2.他一生中写了大约38部戏剧,154首短诗和几首长诗。 He wrote about thirty-eight plays,154 short poems and a few long poems           . writer of plays and poems in his life  英语 返回目录 3.像400年前的许多人一样,莎士比亚的父母没有读过书,也不会写字。 Like many people 400 years ago, Shakespeare’s parents                     .    . didn’t learn to read or write 英语 返回目录 4.在学校他喜欢戏剧,所以当他14岁毕业的时候,他决定当一名演员。 At school he liked plays,so he decided         an actor when he         at fourteen. 5.你依然可以看到他的用英语和许多其他语言写成的戏剧作品。 You can still see his plays        .                    . to be finished school in English and in many other languages 英语 ◆ 课堂导学 ◆ 返回目录 一、(听说训练) 回答问题。   听课本P56 Activity 1 课文,回答下面4个问题。 1.What did William Shakespeare do He was a famous English writer of plays and poems. 2.What are two of Shakespeare’s famous play They are Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet. 英语 返回目录 3.How many kids did Shakespeare have Three./He had three kids. 4.How old was Shakespeare when he died Fifty-two./He was fifty-two(when he died). 英语 返回目录 二、根据课本P56 Activity 1课文内容,请从方框内选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使文章完整连贯。注意每空一词,每词仅用一次,有两词为多余项。 world success date poem he song join work married died be country    Do you know anything about Shakespeare I read a newspaper and there was a passage(文章) about 1.   . William Shakespeare was a famous English writer of plays and 2.   . him poems 英语 返回目录 world success date poem he song join work married died be country He 3.    born in 1564,but I d ... ...

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