
2023-2024学年人教版英语八年级下册Unit1 What's the matter?SectionA (1a-2d)教学设计(共1课时)

日期:2024-09-13 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:62次 大小:21601Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit1 What’s the matter 第一课时(1a-2d) 人教版八年级下册 教学目标 Language ability objectives: To learn some new words about body parts and phrases about health problems; To learn the use of “should” and try to give advice about health problems. Learning ability objectives: To learn how to describe health problems through pictures; To determine what the health problems someone has through listening. Thinking quality objectives: To know how to give advice according to different health problems. Culture awareness objectives: To talk about health problems in real with classmates and give advice and know the importance of keeping healthy. 教学重难点 Learn some new words and phrases; Talk about health problems and give advice. 教学过程 1.step1 Lead-in T:Teachers show some pictures about body parts and let students express them in English.Teach students read the new words correctly. 2.step2 T:Please look at these pictures and read them when I point one word.Can you try to read it loudly and correctly S:Yes.(teacher point and students read together) T:Now please look at this picture.Can you tell me what the matter is with the boy S:He/She has a cold.(use the same way to let students master the sentence-What’s the matter with somebody and its answer.) T:Find out several groups of students to practice the sentence. -What’s the matter with... -He/She has a cold/has a sore back... 3.step3 T:Please listen to the tape in 2a and number the pictures in the order you hear them.We will listen to the tape twice and the first time you should listen carefully ,the second time you will number the pictures.Can you understand clearly S:OK.(the teacher play the tape) T:When we have health problem,we will ask the doctor to give us some advice .Now we have some advice about health problems.Please look these phrases and read after me.don’t forget to pay attention to their meaning. (teacher show the students the new phrases and read them many times in order to master them) Lie down and rest/drink some hot tea with honey/take your temperature/put some medicine/see a dentist and get an X-ray. T:Now let’s listen to the tape again and this time you should match the problems with the advice.(the teacher play the tape and students match them.) T/S:Let’s check the answer together. 4.step4 T:We has learned some advice about health problem,do you want to know what the matter are with Mandy and Lisa.Now we will come to learn the conversation.First please listen to the tape carefully and mark the new words/phrases. T:Can you tell me the new words and phrases? S:move my neck/take my temperature/sound like/take breaks/in the same way/if... T:Let me tell you the meaning and use of these new phrases.(teacher analysis them one by one,the most important one is “if引导的条件状语从句”and the second important one is “should”) T:After knowing the meaning of the phrases,let us try to translate the conversation.Who can have a try S:S1/S2/S3...try to translate the conversation. T:W ... ...

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