ID: 20598308

人教版(2019) 必修第三册 Unit 4 Space Exploration Listening and Talking课件(共16张PPT,内镶嵌音频)

日期:2025-03-07 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:72次 大小:26292872B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 4 Space Exploration Listening and Talking Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of man’s desire to understand. ———Neil Armstrong 神秘感激发好奇心,而这种好奇心则是人们探索未知事物的前提。 ———尼尔·阿姆斯特朗 Let’s start our learning journey! Talk about life in space By the end of this class, you will be able to: Learning objectives 1. learn about the astronaut’s life in space. 2. learn different ways to express curiosity. 3. improve the ability of cooperation and oral skills. Lead-in Guess whether the followings would be useful for astronauts in space. Listening Max is interviewing Captain Brown about his life in space. Listen to the interview and answer the questions. 1. What did Captain Brown usually wear inside the station 2. How did he prepare his food in space 3. How did he keep himself clean in space 4. How did he spend most of his time in space 5. What did he do during his free time 6. What did he look forward to most during his stay in space Listening Max is interviewing Captain Brown about his life in space. Listen to the interview and answer the questions. 1. What did Captain Brown usually wear inside the station 2. How did he prepare his food in space 3. How did he keep himself clean in space 4. How did he spend most of his time in space 5. What did he do during his free time 6. What did he look forward to most during his stay in space Listening 1.What did Captain Brown usually wear inside the station 2. How did he prepare his food in space 3. How did he keep himself clean in space He wore shorts and a T-shirt. Chose what they want to eat before they go to space and heat them. He used a soapy towel to wash. Listening 4. How did he spend most of his time in space 5. What did he do during his free time 6. What did he look forward to most during his stay in space He was usually busy with different experiments. He played the guitar and chess. He looked forward to having a weekly video call with his family. 听力原文 Interviewer: Hello, Captain Brown. You’re back on Earth now. Are you happy to be back Captain Brown: Well, yes and no. It’s great to see my family again, but I also miss the International Space Station. I’ve gotten used to floating around just wearing shorts and a T-shirt. Interviewer: So let me ask about the space station. Was eating in space difficult Captain Brown: Not really. We don’t have to cook in space. We choose what we want to eat before we go to space, and then the food is prepared and stored for us. We just have to heat the food and enjoy it. Interviewer: Cool. Well, I know astronauts cannot shower in space since the water would float away, so I’d love to know how you keep yourselves clean. 听力原文 Captain Brown: Oh, we use a soapy towel to wash. And we brush our teeth the same way as we do on Earth. But astronauts usually swallow their toothpaste. Interviewer: Gosh, I hope it tasted good! So how long did you stay in space ... ...

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