
2024年湖南省中考英语二模三模名校 完形填空20篇(含解析)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:17次 大小:276247Byte 来源:二一课件通
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完形填空20篇(2024年湖南省中考英语二模三模名校) (2024·湖南长沙·二模)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Jack was a young boy who loved to play chess. Every day he spent hours practicing different moves and skills. He 1 becoming a grandmaster (大师) one day. On a summer day, Jack went to a park. There he saw some people playing chess. Jack was 2 by an old man’s skill, so he asked the old man whether they could play a game. The old man agreed. As they played, Jack 3 realized that the old man wasn’t a common chess player. He made moves that Jack had never seen before, and he seemed to know Jack’s 4 move. Although he tried his best, Jack 5 the game. The old man asked Jack with a smile, “Do you know why I won the game ” “No,” Jack replied. “It’s because you 6 thought about your own next move. You didn’t think about mine,” the old man said. In chess, you have to think ahead, not just one or two moves, but as many moves as possible. ” The old man then showed Jack how to 7 his moves carefully. Jack learned a lot from the old man and practiced hard every day. Months later, Jack took part in a chess game, and to his 8 , he found himself facing the same old man he had met at the park. But this time, Jack was well prepared and 9 . He planned his moves carefully. In the end, Jack won the game. From that day on, Jack continued to play chess and became a skilled player. He never forgot the 10 he had in the park and always thought ahead in all aspects (方面) of his life. 1.A.gave up B.dreamed of C.worried about 2.A.welcomed B.moved C.amazed 3.A.quickly B.angrily C.painfully 4.A.all B.final C.every 5.A.won B.lost C.missed 6.A.never B.always C.ever 7.A.plan B.take C.change 8.A.joy B.anger C.surprise 9.A.confident B.negative C.doubtful 10.A.secret B.reason C.experience (2024·湖南·三模)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Cui Chenxi, a 14-year-old skateboarder, became China’s youngest player who 11 the first place in Asian Games in 2023. She won the women’s street game during the Asian Games in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. This gold medal (奖牌) means a lot to Cui Chenxi. She said, “This is the first time for me to take part in the Asian Games, so it is very 12 . I really want to win this competition.” When asked if she was nervous before the competition, she 13 her head and said, “No. My dad told me to stay relaxed and enjoy the competition. As long as I try my best, I have no 14 .” Cui Chenxi 15 skateboarding when she was three years old. Cui said, “I 16 remember the day I stepped onto the board for the first time. It felt very smooth, and I fell in love with it at first sight.” In skateboarding, being hurt is 17 . “When I started skateboarding, I thought it was great fun. Later, I found people often get hurt while skateboarding. However, that is where the 18 of skateboarding lies.” She said. Most of the ti ... ...

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