

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:16次 大小:62195Byte 来源:二一课件通
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阅读匹配12篇 下面的材料 A-F 是对六个活动或课程的介绍,请根据下面各题中人物的情况,帮他们选择合适的活动或课程,并将其标号填入题前括号内。 1 Hey! I’m Harvey. I’m interested in riding bikes with my friends. I’d like to meet more girls here in Shenzhen and do this sport with them. 2 Hi, I’m Tony. I have two children whose ages are six and ten. They usually spend the weekend at home and feel bored. I’d like them to take a cycling course and ride their bikes in the fresh air. 3 I’m Erick and I’m interested in doing some exercise after work. I’m at the office from 9 am to 6 pm sitting at my computer all day. I’d like to move around. 4 I’m Lynn. I’m 17. My father has a bike store. I’d like to work in his store so I want to learn how to repair bikes. I’m interested in painting, too, so I’d like to take classes which include both. 5 I’m Marcus. I’m from New Zealand and I live in Shenzhen. I like sports and adventures. I want to have long rides around the city and visit some famous places of interest. A.Are you interested in cycling This is not a 30-minute bike ride. You will join a group of wonderful cyclists who challenge themselves on really long routes across the city. During your rides, you can visit some famous places of interest. B.Do you want to ride bikes with your family members Here is the chance. Our activities are mainly for families. People of all ages are welcome but you must bring your own bikes. The rides start at 7:30 am on Sunday. C. Is your kid bored at home with nothing to do on weekends besides watching TV Let them attend our cycling course. Our course is for children aged 6 to 12. We usually meet at the park near the train station on Saturday and Sunday mornings. D.Do you want to do some exercise after work You can join us and enjoy the fresh night air during our bike rides. Our activities last from 7 pm to 10 pm. Bring your friends and experience something special. E. Would you like to do exercise only with girls Please join us in this interesting bike riding activity. You can ride bikes together. The activity is held once a week in Shenzhen. Through this activity, you can meet a lot of girls and make some friends. F. Are you interested in bikes and would you like to make some money out of it Then this is the course for you. Learn how to fix bikes in our two-week course. Besides, you will learn some painting skills. 下面的材料A—F分别介绍了国际发明展的六件新展品,请根据Polly,Elie,Simon,Mike,Doris五位学生的需求选择最适合他们观看的展品,并将其标号填入括号中。 6 Simon is a robot fan. He thinks robots can help human solve many problems. 7 Polly is especially crazy about gardening. She loves growing plants. 8 Ellie shows interest in some products which is environmentally friendly. 9 Doris wants to know some inventions which help his 80-year-old grandpa go out safely. 10 Mike would like to see some creative products with cool designs to make life easier. A.Cool-designed Fan On hot summer days, many people carry a m ... ...

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