
译林版(2019) 选择性必修第一册 Unit 2 The Universal Language Reading课件(共39张PPT)

日期:2024-10-04 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:45次 大小:45200412Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) UNIT 2 The universal language Do you know the name of the warning bell(预备铃) for class 《土耳其进行曲》,为奥地利音乐家Mozart(莫扎特)的A大调第十一号钢琴奏鸣曲(KV.331)的第三乐章,又称为 Alla Turca(土耳其风回旋曲)。于1781-1783年间在慕尼黑或维也纳所作。 What do you think music can do for us relieve stress improve the quality of sleep enhance study/work efficiency relieve pain transfer warmth and energy a carrier of culture (文化的载体) Unit 2 Reading Understanding culture through music Read the email and write down the main idea of each paragraph. Alice’s email Para.1: I watched a performance of Butterfly Lovers last night. Para.2:_____ Para.3:_____ The _____ and _____ of Butterfly Lovers work well together. Butterfly Lovers illustrates how wonderfully _____ and_____ musical elements can mix. Read the email and write down the main idea of each paragraph. Alice’s email Para.1: I watched a performance of Butterfly Lovers last night. Para.2:_____ Para.3:_____ The _____ and _____ of Butterfly Lovers work well together. Butterfly Lovers illustrates how wonderfully _____ and_____ musical elements can mix. story music Chinese Western Read Paragraph 2 carefully, listen to the music and find out the plot of the story, music characteristics and the atmosphere created by the music. Alice’s email The Plot Characteristics of the music Atmosphere created by the music The two lovers first meet. happy _____ Liang falls sick and dies Zhu... exciting Alice’s email The Plot Characteristics of the music Atmosphere created by the music PART 01 light and pleasant as if whispering to the audience The two lovers first meet. The Plot Characteristics of the music Atmosphere created by the music happy PART 02 The two lovers spend three years at school together. fast and cheerful The Plot Characteristics of the music Atmosphere created by the music _____ Liang falls sick and dies Zhu PART 03 The lovers are seperated because zhu’s father forces her to marry another man. weeps bitterly and jumps into Liang’s grave dramatic with heavier notes angry and sad The Plot Characteristics of the music Atmosphere created by the music exciting PART 04 The couple transform into butterflies and fly away to be tgether forever. taking a softer turn and ending on a bittersweet note. The Plot Characteristics of the music Atmosphere created by the music The two lovers first meet. happy Liang falls sick and dies exciting light and pleasant as if whispering to the audience The two lovers spend three years at school together. fast and cheerful Zhu dramatic with heavier notes The lovers are seperated because zhu’s father forces her to marry another man. angry and sad The couple transform into butterflies and fly away to be tgether forever. taking a softer turn and ending on a bittersweet note. weeps bitterly and jumps into Liang’s grave Alice’s email In para.2 Alice uses personification(拟人) when she describes th ... ...

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