
人教版(2019) 必修第三册 Unit 2 Morals and Virtues Reading and Thinking课件(共19张PPT)

日期:2024-06-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:33次 大小:48879360Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Morals and Virtues Reading and Thinking: BOOK3 UNIT2 Topic: Learn to make choices in life through a famous figure’s life story Learning Objectives After the class, I’m able to... 1. talk about the important life choices and infer the identity of the figure we learn today. 2. know about the figure’s life story through a timeline. 3. figure out the figure’s life choices, reasons and spirits. 4. make an interview about the figure with my partner. 1. Talk about important life choices. what to major in which university to go to what to do as your career who to marry whether to have baby LEAD IN Impotant Life Choices 1.after graduating from senior high school, we need to choose... 2.after graduating from university, we need to choose... ... LEAD IN Today’s figure we learn is closely related to Yuan and Zhong. Who is he Yuan Longping Who is he Zhong Nanshan 2. Infer the identity of today’s figure LEAD IN 2. Guessing Game -- how to make choices Who is he Based on what you konw about Yuan, choose the right choice he made: after graduating from senior high school, Yuan chose to 1. follow his father’s wish to study politics in Nanjing. 2. follow his own interest to study agriculture in Chongqing. Yuan Longping The spirit of sticking to his interest. LEAD IN 2. Guessing Game -- how to make choices Who is he Based on what you konw about Zhong, choose the right choice he made: after the outbreak of COVID-19, 84-year-old Zhong chose to 1. stay safe at home. 2. go to Wuhan to fight the epidemic. Zhong Nanshan The spirits of being responsible to society and not being afraid of dying. 1. The person is the aunt(姑母) of Zhong Nanshan. a female 2. The person delivered (接生) Yuan Longping. a female physician of the OB-GYN department 妇产科女医生 sex: Job: a doctor LEAD IN 2. Infer the identity of today’s figure Lead in Lin Qiaozhi 林巧稚 She is also named as “Mother of ten thousand babies” 万婴之母 2. Infer the identity of today’s figure Predict the main idea: the text is about a female physician who _____ a lot of babies--Lin Qiaozhi. delivered While-reading Mother of ten thousand babies 1. Read for the text type and order 1. What kind of text is it A. Argumentation 议论文 B. Exposition 说明文 C. Biography 传记 D. Autobiography 自传 2. How is the text developed A. By follow space order. B. By following time order. Biography (传记) V.S. Autobiography(自传) write in time order to list important events of the figure’s life clearly. 8 years later 1939 studied _____ instead of getting _____ _____from PUMC; become the first female _____in OB-GYN studied in the ___; _____ the offer of staying and returned to China became the first woman _____; During the war,opened her private _____ instead of doing nothing for people was _____ to National People’s Confress but more _____ in tending patients She died. She was born. 1901 Her mother _____. Age5 1941 1954 1983 Age18 While-reading 2.Read for the ti ... ...

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