
人教版(2019) 选择性必修第二册 Unit 2 Bridging Cultures Using Language课件(共17张PPT)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:64次 大小:3809234Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 Bridging cultures Reading for writing Studying abroad: Is it a good or bad idea Free talk: Do you think studying abroad is good or bad Lead in 1. Read the title quickly and predict the general idea of the passage. _____. 2. Scan the passage quickly and guess who is for or against studying abroad. The advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad. Pre-reading Wang Li Zhang Yi For Against Dear Editor, In the past few decades, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of people studying abroad. Although studying abroad can bring great benefits, I think the disadvantages for young people are greater. To begin with, many students who study abroad face great economic pressure. That means studying abroad is just not possible for everyone. Tuition fees and living expenses are much more expensive than at home and could end up costing most families an arm and a leg. Studying in China is much more convenient and can help save money. While-reading Read the passage and find the opinion and the supporting evidences opinion Evidence 1 Linking words: to begin with Another important factor to consider is the tremendous pressure that comes with studying abroad. Students must learn how to live in an unfamiliar environment with limited language skills. Some may struggle and suffer from culture shock when learning how to behave in new surroundings. Other students are not mature enough to handle the challenges by themselves and may become depressed. Some students might even encounter problems with personal safety. In addition, different approaches to teaching and learning may come as a shock to many students. Evidence 2 Linking words: in addition A final point to consider is that while studying abroad does have potential benefits, young people who study in China also have a great future to look forward to! As China has boomed, the educational environment has improved significantly, with many great universities now available. They have great facilities and outstanding professors, helping to educate young people who will contribute to the economy and further strengthen our country. To sum up, one cannot deny the fact that studying abroad has its disadvantages, so when you think about studying abroad, you should consider these many factors. Kind regards, Wang Li (mother of twin girls) Example Summary Linking words: to sum up Dear Editor, Is studying abroad a good idea or not There are certainly disadvantages, but in my opinion, the advantages are much greater. As I always tell my son, there are no great difficulties for a person who is brave, optimistic, and willing to work hard! The first advantage of studying abroad is personal growth. The education you gain and the experiences you have will change you for the better. For example, you will certainly become more independent because you will have to deal with all kinds of difficulties by yourself. Studying abroad also helps you to gain a glo ... ...

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