

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:58次 大小:3982270Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 人教PEP版小学英语 五年级下册期末综合质量检查卷(三) 一、听力题(20分) 1.听录音,选择你所听到的选项。 ( ) 1). A.eating lunch B.reading a book C. listening to music ( ) 2). A.January B.September C. October ( ) 3). A.twelfth B.twentieth C. thirtieth ( ) 4). A.ours B.theirs C. yours ( ) 5). A.winter B.which C. weekend 2.听录音,给下列图片排序。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 3.听录音,选择正确的答语。 ( ) 1). A.I often watch TV. B.I’m doing homework. C. I get up at 8:00. ( ) 2). A.Winter. B.Sunday. C. Football. ( ) 3). A.In the evening. B.On July 4th. C. In the morning. ( ) 4). A.It’s so cute. B.It’s flying. C. It’s jumping. ( ) 5). A.Yes, he is. B.Yes, they are. C. Yes, they do. 4.听短文,判断下列句子与所听内容是(T)否(F)相符。 ( ) 1). Sarah is a girl from the USA. ( ) 2). Sarah can swim and eat ice cream in winter. ( ) 3). Sarah usually visits her grandparents on the weekend. ( ) 4). It’s Sunday today. ( ) 5). Sarah and her brother are flying a kite. 二、选出不同类的一项。(5分) ( )5.A.twenty B.twelfth C.second ( )6.A.Labour Day B.birthday C.National Day ( )7.A.China B.Canadian C.Spanish ( )8.A.ours B.mine C.her ( )9.A.summer B.season C.autumn 三、选择题(20分) 10.—Which season do you like best ( ) —_____. I like snow. A.Spring B.Summer C.Winter 11.I usually eat breakfast _____ 8:00 a. m. ( ) A.in B.on C.at 12.—Why do you like summer ( ) —_____ I can go swimming. A.What B.Because C.Which 13.The sports day is _____ May. ( ) A.on B.at C.in 14._____ is the second month of a year. ( ) A.February B.March C.January 15.This is _____ picture. Where is _____ ( ) A.my; her B.her; you C.his; mine 16.It’s 4:00 p. m. Chen Jie _____ now. ( ) A.are having an English class B.is have an English class C.is having an English class 17.—_____ ( ) —No, she is reading a book. A.Is she reading a book B.What is she doing C.Is she listening to music 18.—Can I use your crayons ( ) —_____ A.Here it is. B.OK, take turns. C.They are here. 19.—_____ desk is that ( ) —It’s Mike’s. A.Who B.Whose C.What 四、填空题(5分) 20.His favorite season is s . 21.My birthday is in M . 22.Look! She is r books. 23.I often go for a w with my brother after dinner. 24.We are in the library. Please t quietly. 五、连词成句(5分) 25.your, clean, keep, desk (.) 26.I, with, on, play, weekend, the, father, I, my, often, ping-pong (.) 27.these, eating, are, rabbits ( ) 28.finish when you do in class morning the ( ) 29.in, July, birthday, is, my (.) 六、匹配题(5分) 从方框中找出相应的答句。 A.They are hers.B.They’re jumping.C. Sunday.D.It’s in July.E. I often clean the room. 30.When is your birthday ( ) 31.Whose pants are these ( ) 32.What do you do on weekends ( ) 33.Which day do you like best ( ) 34.What are the monkeys doing ( ) 七、补全对话/短文(5分) 选择正确的选项补全对话。 A: What are you doing, Sarah B: 35 . A: Which season do you like best ... ...

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