

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:76次 大小:486877Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 六年级英语下册期末复习专项五(阅读判断) (一) Li Bai is my favourite poet(诗人).He was born(出生) in the Tang dynasty. He wrote lot of poems. In the Tang dynasty, there were no computers or phones. People couldn’t send emails. Li Bai and his friends kept in touch(保持联系) by writing letters. There were no cinemas either. People couldn't see films. Li Bai liked travelling. He travelled all over the Tang dynasty. But he didn't travel by bus. Because there was no bus at that time. People rode a horse or walked to other places. ( )48. In the Tang dynasty, people could use computers and phones. ( )49. There were no cinemas at that time . ( )50. Li Bai was born in the Tang dynasty. ( )51. People rode a horse or took a bus to other places. ( )52. Li Bai and his friends kept in touch by sending emails. (二) Last Saturday,John was very happy.In the morning,he went to a park with his friends.They played football.John’s team won the game.They were excited.Then they went swimming together.In the afternoon,John did his homework and read a book.In the evening,he felt a little tired.So he went to bed early. ( )48. John went to a park with his family last Saturday. ( )49. They were excited because they read books. ( )50. John did his homework in the afternoon. ( )51. John went to bed late in the evening. ( )52. John and his friends went swimming in the morning. (三) I went to Honghua Lake with Binbin the day before yesterday.It was sunny and warm. Honghua Lake greenway has18km.We rented(租) bikes and rode bikes there .We also wore helmets.It took us about two hours.We saw many beautiful flowers.So we took many pictures.Then we ate some hamburgers and fruit.We drank juice and coke.It was a happy day. ( )48. We went to Honghua lake yesterday. ( )49. We didn’t wear helmets. ( )50. Honghua Lake greenway has eighteen km. ( )51. We took many pictures, ate some hamburgers and fruit ( )52. We had a good time. (四) Hi,I’m Li Ming.Mike is my pen pal.He lives in Jiangxi now.His sister Mary lives in the USA.Mike and I are in the same class.We often play basketball after school.We have the same hobby.We all like playing sports.I am 13 years old.I am 1 year older than Mike.And his sister is 3 years younger than him.Mary likes dancing.She is tall and thin.She is 1.52 meters tall.Mike is 3 centimeters taller than her.I am the tallest.I am 4 centimeters taller than Mary.But Mike is the heaviest.Mike is 47 kilograms.He is 6 kilograms heavier than Mary.I am 3 kilograms thinner than Mike. ( )48.Li Ming is thirteen years old.He lives in USA now. ( )49.After school,they play basketball,they don’t like sports. ( )50.Mike is 12 years old and Mary is 9 years old. ( )51.Mike is 1.55 meters,Li Ming is 1 centimeters taller than Mike. ( )52.Li Ming is heavier than Mike. (五) Saturday, Feb.24th My family and I went to Zu Temple ,Danshui. Ancestral Temple was very lively. Because today was Chinese traditional ... ...

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