
湖南省衡阳名校2025届高三一轮复习周练 6月第3周 英语试题(含解析)

日期:2024-06-30 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:85次 大小:56353Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2024年6月份第3周 英语 一、阅读理解 Researchers have found a chemical from a kind of worm (蠕虫) can break down one of the most common forms of plastic. The finding could open up new ways to deal with pollution. There have been several studies showing that microorganisms can release enzymes (酶) that cause the plastics to start to break down, but that process may take a long time. The recently-discovered enzymes were found in the saliva (唾液) of the waxworm. They appear to act in only a few hours. Federica Bertocchini is one of the researchers, who is also a beekeeper and always stores honeycombs, which are built by bees to store honey. One year Bertocchini found her honeycombs full of waxworms. She cleaned the honeycombs and put the worms in a plastic bag. When she returned later, she found that the bag was full of holes. She wondered if the worms were eating the plastic, or if there was a chemical reaction that caused the holes. “We checked and found that the plastics had been broken down,” she said. In her latest research, Bertocchini and her co-workers found two enzymes in the worm’s saliva. The enzymes appeared to break down plastics in only a few hours. Bertocchini’s team is still trying to understand how the worms break down the plastics. They know much more research is needed before the findings can be used to process plastic waste. However, Bertocchini said the enzymes could be put into a water mixture and then put “over piles of collected plastics” in a waste center. She said that, in the future, the enzymes could be used in homes, where families could deal with their own plastic waste. 1.What can we learn about the microorganisms in para. 2 A.They are fond of eating small pieces of plastics. B.They are widely used to deal with plastic pollution. C.It takes long for their enzymes to break down plastics. D.They can easily produce a large amount of useful saliva in a short time. 2.How did Bertocchini make the discovery A.By accident. B.By keeping waxworms. C.By doing experiments. D.By studying bees. 3.Why were there many holes in Bertocchini’s bag A.The bees flew to and bit it. B.There was a chemical reaction. C.There were some sharp things in it. D.The worms chewed and swallowed the plastic. 4.What does the author think about the new method of breaking down plastics A.It’s a theoretical possibility, but it won’t happen. B.It may replace the usual ways soon. C.It is getting increasingly popular. D.There is still a long way to go. Founder is turning ownership of the company after nearly 50 years into two entities (实体) that will help fight the climate crisis. Patagonia is a private company based in Ventura, California, which sells outdoor clothing and equipment, and was founded in 1973. Patagonia’s founder Yvon Chouinard, who has previously expressed his unwillingness at gathering wealth, is giving away his company. The outdoor clothing company will now be in the hands of a trust and a nonprofit organization. All future prof ... ...

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