
2025译林版高中英语必修第二册同步练习题--Unit 4 Part 3 Extended reading, Project, Assessment & Further study(含答案与解析)

日期:2024-09-29 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:95次 大小:393164Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 2025译林版高中英语必修第二册 Part 3 Extended reading, Project, Assessment & Further study 基础过关练 Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.I have long wanted to be a teacher because I think it is a very      (崇高的) cause. 2.The most important thing is not to admit     (失败) until you really have to. 3.When I read the poem, a     (闪现) of insight came over me about the deeper meaning of life. 4.He worked a     Frank and Mark and they have become friends ever since. Ⅱ.一词多义 1.A.v.有吸引力 B.v.呼吁 C.n.吸引力 ①In his latest book, he wrote about the appeal of Chinese classics.     ②O. Henry’s novels appeal to readers of all ages.     ③We should appeal to people to try their best to protect our environment.    2.A.v.打算 B.v.意思是 C.adj.吝啬的,小气的 ①What do you mean by saying so     ②They meant to arrive there at three.    ③Saving money is a good habit but remember not to go too far in case you become a mean man.    Ⅲ.单句语法填空 1.Recent research has found that humility(谦逊) is an important sign of successful relationships       particular. 2.(2021全国乙)The idea of having to sell their home and move into a retirement home was an      (extreme) painful experience for them. 3.Only those who have      (determine) and willpower are capable of achieving success. 4.(2022全国甲)Sydney is     (confuse) about itself. 5.Every one of us should be devoted to      (build) a harmonious society. 6.You should make an attempt      (settle) this problem, or you will regret it. 7.Part of the building      (destroy) in the fire last night. 8.He got into a situation       it was hard to decide what was right and what was wrong. 9.      we need most are popular science books. 10.Think it over       you will find the answer. Ⅳ.完成句子 1.在今天的信息时代,对一个公司来说,数据的丢失可能会造成严重的问题。 In today’s information age, the loss of data                      for a company. 2.(2024 江苏泰州期末)有时候,压力是由任务难度太大而难以理解造成的。(too...to...) Sometimes stress is caused by the fact that the task is                    . 3.史密斯先生不可能去了北京,因为我刚才还在图书馆见过他。(情态动词+have done) Mr. Smith                     Beijing, for I saw him in the library just now. 4.I have never seen such a beautiful lake, which shines brightly in the sun.(句型转换) →Never                such a beautiful lake, which shines brightly in the sun.(读后续写—环境描写) 能力提升练 Ⅰ.课文语法填空 A chance came to Santiago. Pulling on the fish, the old man made an effort  1 (bring) the fish closer. For just a moment the fish turned a little on its side. Then the fish straightened  2 (it) and began to circle again. As time went by, Santiago felt faint but still  3 (hold) on the great fish all the strain that he could. When he put all of his effort on,  4 (start) it well out before the fish came ... ...

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