
外研版(2019) 必修第三册 Unit 4 Amazing Art Developing ideas课件(共37张PPT,内嵌视频)

日期:2024-06-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:99次 大小:42447054Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 4 Amazing art 新外研版必修三Book 3 Developing ideas At the end of the class, you’ll be able to: 1. read the museum introduction to the painting and understand the structure of the passage. 2. compete the details by reading the passage. 3. write an article about the painting Sunflowers. What's your expression on a horse Tick the words that you would use to describe horses. calm cute fast wild brave clever loyal strong Add any more you can think of. Now compare your choices with the rest of the class and share what you know about horses. Pre-reading Art of the Horses Do you know whose paintings they are Han Gan, Tang Dynasty While-reading Read the passage and find out what it is about. a An introduction to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. b The story behind Night-Shining White. c The famous artist Han Gan. Han Gan and His Horses The artist and his masterpiece The life of the artist Comments on his work Read & Locate Paragraph ____ Paragraph ____ Paragraph ____ 1 2-4 5 _____ _____ _____ What a magnificent horse! We can still feel the power within its burning eyes, bared teeth and kicking hooves. Para.1: The artist and his masterpiece Name of the artist _____ Han Gan Name of the painting Night-Shining White _____ Description of the painting burning eyes 炙热的目光 bared teeth 呲牙 kicking hooves 马蹄 His artistic talent was discovered by the poet Wang Wei. He sponsored Han Gan to study painting and recommended him to a master. Due to Han Gan’s natural talent and years of hard work, he was eventually chosen to serve Emperor Xuanzong in the royal palace. He was born into a poor family in the early Tang Dynasty. Para.2-4: The life of the artist Personal information (birth, dynasty, etc) How he became a painter What he did as a court painter He frequently visited the royal stables and even moved in to live with the stable workers for quite some time in order to observe horses. Para.5: Comments on his work Su Shi _____ _____ “The horses painted by Han Gan are real horses.” Other viewers “Han Gan’s horses could gallop off the paper.” Think and Share 1. What made Han Gan a successful painter 2. What does Su Shi’s comment mean to you After-reading His natural talent, years of hard work and his unique method. It means that the horses painted by Han Gan look like real horses due to his talent, skill and careful obs ervation. 3. What can you learn from Han Gan’s way of painting Do you know of any other artists famous for painting animals Imagine you are a tour guide in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Talk about the life and work of Han Gan. Think about what information to include. Decide in what order you will introduce. Introduce Han Gan and his painting to your group members. Su Shi: The horses painted by Han Gan are _____ Other viewers: They all _____ for his unique skill, saying that his horses “_____ _____” For reference: Han Gan masterpiece Night-Shining White Name: _____ Desc ... ...

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