
人教版(2019) 必修第二册 Unit 5 Music Listening and Speaking课件(共25张PPT,内嵌视频)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:66次 大小:21973993Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 音乐听我的 Unit 5 Music Listening and Speaking Lead-in What do you think the performers are doing in the concert hall They are performing music . Lead-in Music is the universal language of mankind. -HenryWadsworthLongfellow 音乐是人类的通用语言。 general/commom human beings Paraphrase When you want to explain something difficult to somebody,it is helpful to use easier words with the same meaning.This will help you make it easier to understand. paraphrase=explain something in other easier words Through music,we can _____with each other,even though we have totally different languages. communicate Brief summary: according to the well-known saying,can you guess one significant function of music famous important Watch a video about types of music. no dream is too big, and no dreamer is too small. Match the pictures with the correct types of music. Activity 1 Chinese traditional classical country music hip-hop 1 _____ 2 _____ 3 _____ 4 _____ B A C D Can you describe the pictures different clothes different instruments different performances Through different _____,_____,and_____,we can recognize the types of music. Brief summary: according to the pictures,can you recognize the types of music clothes instruments performances 摇滚歌单 ! Activity 2 Listen to the interviews. Draw lines between the words to make complete sentences. Some words will not be used. A reporter from the school newspaper is interviewing students about music. dance to listen to play sing Chinese traditional songs. classical music. hip-hop music. country music. The first student likes to The second student likes to The third student likes to The reporter paraphrased some of the answers the students gave him. Listen to the interviews again and complete the sentences with the words you hear. B: What kind of music do you like A: I like country music. I really love Billy James. B: Why A: His music touches my heart. B: So you like music that's _____ of_____ A: Yes, that' s what country music is all about. 1 full feeling Activity 3 Student=A Reporter=B B: Do you like hip-hop A: I love it! B: What makes it so special to you A: When I listen to hip-hop, I just have to move! B: Oh, so it makes you want to _____ A: That's right! I just can't stop. 2 dance Student=A Reporter=B B: And what kind of music do you like A: I play the piano, so I like classical music B: What do you like about it A: When I play, I get carried away. I feel like I' m sitting beside a quiet stream and enjoying nature. B: So, to you, it's _____ and _____ A: Yes 3 peaceful beautiful Student=A Reporter=B almost forget everything Different music can give us different_____. Brief summary: according to the students, can you realize the influences of music feelings Activity 4 Discuss the question and share your ideas Students’feelings Do you agree Different types of music YES(why ) NO(why not ) 1.Country music touches my heart. 2.When I listen to hip-hop, I just ... ...

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