
牛津译林版(2019)必修第三册Unit 4 Scientists Who Changed the World Extended reading课件(共19张PPT)

日期:2024-07-02 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:80次 大小:5183423Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 4 Scientists who changed the world Extended Reading Presentation Warm-up Science is a double-edged sword. Advantages Disadvantages Due to the advances in medical science, some deadly diseases can be cured by some life-saving medicine, such as qinghaosu, penicillin and so on. The production of hybrid rice can ease the hunger problem. The invention of the Internet can make our lives more convenient. Military science is often misused in wars, which cause countless deaths and injuries. Being smartphone addicts is harmful to our real lives. Industrialized society can damage the environment. Reading The Value of science Pre-reading 本文改自理查德·费曼(Richard Feynman,1918年5月11日—1988年2月15日)的演讲。 费曼是美国著名物理学家,加州理工学院物理学教授;1965年诺贝尔物理学奖得主 ;1942年,24岁的费曼加入美国原子弹研究项目小组,参与秘密研制原子弹的项目“曼哈顿计划”。 “The Value of Science” Structure Introduction: _____ _____ Main body: _____ _____ Conclusion: _____ _____ paras.1-2 paras. 3-6 para. 7 Introducing the topic Three values of science Responsibility of scientists The value of science Introduction to the topic Three values of scienece Conclusion A question Is there some evil (1) _____ Or, what is the (2) _____ (3) _____ (4)_____ (5)_____ To declare the value of the freedom To teach(17)_____ To demand the freedom as our duty to all coming generations involved in science value of science Enables us to do and make all kinds of things Provides us with intellectual enjoyment Scientists’ freedom to doubt how doubt is not to be feared but to be welcomed and discussed Careful-reading Read paragragh 1-2 and answer the following questions. 1. How did the author introduce the topic A. By asking a question. B. By making a comparison. C. By giving an example. D. By quoting a famous saying. 2. What made the author change his attitude to science’s value A. His common sense. B. His research on science. C. His knowledge about science. D. His experience during the war. √ √ Careful-reading 3. What’s the author’s attitude to science during the war √ A. Positive B. Negative C.Neutral D. Indifferent Author’s internal confusion (paras. 1-2) Careful-reading What is the value of science Before the war After the war Making good things Being useful and good Serious and destructive results Putting our future at risk Angel Devil Careful-reading Read paragraph 3 and answer the question Who should be to blame(该受责备) if the power of science is used to do something bad The man who misuses the science. Careful-reading Para.4 What does intellectural enjoyment include Read Para. 5-6 and find three steps about scientists’ figuring out problems. 01 02 03 problem ignorant 1. _____(adj.) idea 2. _____(adj.) uncertain result doubtful 3. _____(adj.) Careful-reading What rhetorical device is used in the last paragraph What effect does it have Para. 7 Parallel structure is applied here with the use of th ... ...

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