
人教版(2019) 必修第三册 Unit 3 Diverse Cultures Reading and Thinking课件(共33张PPT)

日期:2024-10-05 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:36次 大小:92357609Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Describe a place with distincive cultural identity Welcome to Chinatown B3U3 Diverse cultures Reading for writing 01 LEAD IN PART 01 Lead in Look at the picture of Detective Chinatown and guess the name of the movie. Answer the questions. Detective Chinatown Which picture is the Chinatown in SanFranciso 单击此处添加标题 单击此处添加具体文本 单击此处添加具体文本 Dragon Gate It was built using the materials donated from China. Welcome to Chinatown! Lead-in Chinatown What do you want to know about Chinatown in San Francisco location climate population tourist attractions history, souvenirs, food... 02 Pre-reading PART 02 Pre-reading Prediction Who are the target readers What`s the topic of the text What is the writer`s purpose of writing this text Pre -reading Visitors / Tourists. From which is the text probably taken A: A student diary B. A research paper C. A travel brochure D. A sports magazine Who are the target readers What`s the topic of the text What is the writer`s purpose of writing this text Pre -reading Visitors / Tourists. An introduction to the Chinatown. Visitors/Tourists Who are the target readers What`s the topic of the text What is the writer`s purpose of writing this text Pre -reading Visitors / Tourists. An introduction to the Chinatown. To attract more people to Chinatown. PART 03 While-reading Read for structure Read for details 03 While-reading While -reading Introduction Body Summary _____ to Chinatown _____ to Chinatown General introduction Detailed information _____of Chinatown Importance While -reading population location climate languages An introduction to a place tourist attractions legends / stories history ethnic groups businesses&industries famous figures famous food / drink other names for the city/ town Items ___ location ___ climate ___ history ___ population ___ ethnic groups ___ languages ___ famous figures ___ legends/stories ___ famous food/drink ___ tourist attractions ___ businesses and industries ___ other names for the city/town What information is included in the introduction Tick the items that are mentioned. While -reading location climate history languages ethnic groups What items are mentioned in the introduction While -reading What are the famous tourist sites? famous figures Tip:有关地点的专有名词首字母都大写 tourist attractions While -reading What items are mentioned in this part businesses and industries famous food / drink structure and the main idea of each part Detailed information of Chinatown history; ethnic groups; languages; famous figures; famous food / drink; tourist attractions; businesses and industries Main ideas Items / Information location; climate importance / influence Para. 1 Introduction Para. 2 ~ 5 Body Para. 6 Conclusion Importance of Chinatown/unique culture Structure Brief introduction to Chinatown Reading for structure Structure of an introduction to a place 04 Writing PART 04 Writing Expressions and sentences ... ...

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