
人教版(2019) 必修第二册 Unit 3 The Internet Reading and Thinking课件(共18张PPT)

日期:2024-07-02 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:78次 大小:4312104Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit3 INTERNET Talking Last week, my mom called and told me that she felt not good,but she was afraid to see a doctor. Do you know why Reading and thinking———Pre-reading Read the title and predict: 1.What do you think the text will talk about 2.How do you think the writer feels about the topic STRONGER TOGETHER: HOW WE HAVE BEEN CHANGED BY THE INTERNET Read Headlines Headlines usually include only key ideas or information from the text.They often do not follow strict grammar rules, because writers use as few words as possible to catch the attention of the readers. What What is the structure of the text Why Why does the Internet make people “together” Core task:How do you understand “stronger together”in the passage How How has the Internet made Jan “stronger” What What is the structure of the text Why Why does the Internet make people “together” How How has the Internet made Jan “stronger” Para1 _____ of the Internet to our life Para 2 The _____ Jan met and solved Para 3 Jan started an IT club to _____ Para 4 Jan’ s next _____. Para 5 Jan’s life has been _____ Benefits difficulty teach older people... goal greatly improved Introduction What is the structure of the text Example Summary 1.How does the writer present the idea A. By quoting B. By figures C. By examples D. Illustration What What is the structure of the text Why Why does the Internet make people “together” How How has the Internet made Jan “stronger” 1.Who is Jan 2.What did Jan get from the Internet 3.How has Joan’s life been changed 4.What is her next goal The Internet helped her go through tough times. Her next goal is to start a charity. She is a teacher who had to her job because of a serious illness. How has Joan’s life been changed The Internet helped her deal with _____ _____. She _____ _____ to help others online. started an IT club her Example of a 59-year-old man Example of _____ _____ She started to taking courses to learn_____. illness how to use the a 61-year-old woman Internet to make socity better. What What is the structure of the text How How has the Internet made Jan “stronger” How does the writer explain that many people have been helped How 1.What are the changes of people’s lives Who helped them 2.What examples did the text present to prove Internet has changed people’s life What are the changes of people’s lives Jan Tchamani A 59-year-old man A 61-year-old woman Previous situation Developed a serious_____. Quit her job. Felt _____. Had no job. Lived alone. Online activities Surfing the Internet. Running an IT club. Learning online. Learnt how to _____ work. Running a small _____. Results Offering help to more people. Having a positive attitude towards life. Found a great job. Taking care of himself. No longer feeling lonely. Her company is successful. illness lonely and bored apply for online company What examples did the text present to prove Internet has changed people’s ... ...

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